Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

2007-2008 Modified Format Announced! Major Changes!

Thank you to everyone at PUI. My family and I started playing in December and have had so much fun playing that my wife and I have become professors. We have found that it has been cheaper for our family of four to play organized tournaments and a weekly league for less money than most family activities. We have really enjoyed meeting other families in our areas and getting to know some really great kids that have been very helpful in teaching how to be competitive.

With all that said. When we first started I learned about the modified format and how cards rotated out, 4 weeks after buying our first starter decks. I started to ask how often and how many sets rotated and I had no problem finding out that yearly 2-4 sets where rotated out around the time of worlds. So I was prepared to stay away from some of the older sets and built my families decks around Dragon Frontiers and Crystal Guardians mostly.

I look forward to next season and I can't wait for the next couple of DP sets to see what new decks I will be building for the next tournaments.
I can't believe that the rotation of DS came as a surprise to ANYONE.
They always rotate the same number of sets, or start the new format with a set that came out in whatever month, or something, idk...but I knew DS was gonna be rotated out. It's been in the format as long as any set ever is.
Good riddance, IMO. Delta was running way too rampant in the format. It's time we get back to regular decks without insanely broken search engines.
I'm glad that LM is going out, but I don't like that DS is ka-poot as I like the Eletinite deck. Oh well I just have to find another deck to work on. Trans was/is just too much to handle as it goes through the deck too fast. Mew ex's is out WWWOOOOOOTTT. The next meta decks that will rule will not be completly broken... though I have been wrong before.
dude you just owned that wazzak!
though i do feel the lack of cursed stone will make it alot harder for us desruption fans.
pop6 for cursed stone!
various people said:
Transceiver and the Holon Engine had such a large stranglehold on this game.

The only reason this has happened is because there is no hand disruption in the format.

If POP would instead reprint Rockets Admin, or just wait for Galactics' Bet to come out, the format would balance itself very quickly, and the Holon Engine would lose a vast amount of power.


Pete said:
...or you can continue to fling insults and accusations behind the safety of internet anonymity.

He is hardly annonymous AFAIK.
I don't actually agree with what I said before. While I will miss Metanite dearly, after working on it for 1 and 1/2 years...this rotation promotes the overall good and growth of the game. Like has been said before, decks without a Holon Engine easily become candy for the rest of the format. IMO, Holon cards without Admin to balance them were infinitely more broken than Pidgeot could ever wished to have been. Where decks still thrived without Pidgeot (Mewtric, in its glory days of course, Flariados, EspyCham, etc.), decks nowadays can't even begin to be competitive until there's a solid Holon Engine integrated into them.
I think there are some good and bad things about this:


Don't have to deal with cards that your opponent likes to use and you hate.
More cards to sell


Screwed up game
As to the price of new sets going up, we feel that we are now priced where we should be. The previous price increase to $3.49 was long delayed compared to the rest of the industry. I am also a bit mystified that nobody has pointed out that the price per card has actually gone down. The old price was MSRP $3.49 per 9 cards or $0.387 per card. We added an uncommon to the packs and now we have MSRP $3.79 per 10 cards or $0.379 per card. The uncommon slot is where we put most of the trainers. By putting more uncommons in circulation we are hoping to make it easier for players to build functional decks.

I applaud your post, sir. *applauds*

BTW, I, personally, would gladly pay $.30 for a decent shot at getting a usable uncommon
Very well put Pete. In the past I had issues understanding why cards were rotated out. Over time, I've come to understand what you've said regarding stagnant deck ideas. I know your organization usually goes under fire during change. People hate change, especially when they get comfortable or nestled in their niches. New things can cause uneasiness which causes frustration. Once the shock wears off, people will either adapt or leave. Bottom line: we knew the format was going to change, so we were surprised with a few extra sets that were monopolizing the _entire_ game. Long term, this will be a good decision, especially with the new cards being released.

One cannot deny that the game was very rote, boring, and stale over this entire season. It's been a couple decks all year long, and they've been mostly Delta based. (Mostly) Personally, that makes for a very discouraging environment to play in. It's no secret that I like to come up with my own ideas. And even when I played the metagame decks at Cities and States, I was constantly getting donked. Constantly. The game was bad. Those who enjoy competition and strategy will appreciate this maneuver in time. There's nothing fun about sitting there blistering your opponent with a God Hand or sitting behind a T2 fully set up MetaNite or Rai-Eggs. Personally, I love the games where you sit locked against your opponent each with 1 or 2 prizes left, and each and every card you play can hold huge impact on the game. There were less and less of those kind of games as the season progressed over the last year.

And yeah, Spinach, you're right. There was no hand disruption, but if they waited for Galatic's Bet, then we'd be forced to counter Holon by playing specific cards (Galatic's Bet). I am not sure just how much power would be lost exactly. Sure some would. But the early superfast setup still remains. The Holon Engine, at least the way I thought of it was the 4/4 Mentor/Transceiver that allowed for the 1st or 2nd turn three Basic lay down. Regardless if you had the ability to Delta Draw or not (which caused the hand to become huge). The setup was already happening. Also, Galatic's Bet is a far cry from Rocket's Admin.

I think this post is evidence that some of us take the game far too seriously sometimes. If this game is more about scholarships, winning, ego, et cetera, I would think you would need to evaluate not only your reasons for playing, but also your self esteem. It's taken me some time, but I've realized that this game is not nearly as important as we sometimes think of it. It's a hobby, a recreation, supposed to be an escape from our hectic lives. The reason I play now is for my friends, the people I've come to know is a great community and social network, as well as a couple afternoons/weekends a month of a little competition and self-challenge. What's sad is when you see kids in the 10- blistering other little guys that are trying to come up with decks of their favorite Pokemon or a cool combo they were excited about with carbon copies of archetypes from their older brothers/sisters. It's bad enough to see this monotony in older age groups, let the kids (who the game was designed for) enjoy it.

So again, I want to thank those at POP/PUI for this decision to effectively give the player base a fresh start. Sure there will be broken Pokemon. There are always amazing combos, but as I said in my earlier post, it's when the Trainers or the Mechanics of a game that get disrupted or taken advantage of, that the system collapses upon itself. These Diamond Pearl cards are great, the new mechanics (weakness, Fossils KOs, etc) really take some of the bad matchups and luck away, which is what needs to happen, in my opinion. Maybe I'm just an old dinosaur that believes in strategy rather than cheap wins at any cost, if so, my apologies and consider my words as the ramblings of a nostalgic player of yesteryear.

Finally, regarding comments I've received about coming back and why (off the boards). Well, I didn't ever directly quit. I've had personal problems and time management concerns. I'll be a senior in college this Fall. I'm a Pre-Med student involved in campus activities and Leukemia research. My free time has been dwindling anyways, and certainly prior to this decision as well as the release of the new Diamond/Pearl cards and rules, the current state of the game left me bored and discouraged. I don't envy any of you going to Nationals or Worlds. I've done a lot in my playing career, and really just want a game I can enjoy playing.

EDIT: I also thought of something else after the fact. I was looking back over the post and saw a lot of posts regarding how the game is screwed or messed up. And how certain cards shouldn't have been deleted. The game is NOT "messed up" it is new and different. That's an infinite difference based on perspective. And here is where I start to get irritated. It's when players get upset about losing cards they've abused for over a year. I'm not saying that because you used MetaNite or Rai-Eggs or BanDoom that you're a bad player (just unimaginative). Many of you really had no option because you could foresee no alternative. My problem is when I see pages of complaining versus comments/ideas of "I have to think now." There is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more skill involved in sitting down and thinking up your own deck versus copying something from an event that wins and just hobble along with that as your crutch. How much do you grow as a deckbuilder when you copy? What do you learn as a player from T2ing someone? These are the flaws from the current system. It's ridiculous to think of yourself as some distinguished player by copying a deck, and memorizing a set of rules or scenario setups. Now, I do respect players who do use archetypes and actually can adjust and make great moves, there's a difference. But it's players like Jake Burt and Jimmy Ballard who can make up their own decks and do VERY well with them that I respect more than anything.

There's a fine line between being a great thinker and player versus being a great copier and memorizer. Seriously, just start working and looking at the cards you have left and the cards coming up (as well as know other future cards are coming). Those of you that are complaining about being ripped off by the evil corporation should do your part as a wise consumer and have a more knowledgeable grasp of the products you are purchasing.


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While I am sad to see my beloved Gardevoir being rotated, I'm anything but upset to see the Holon Engine fade away. Like Pidgeot before it, the Engine stifled peoples creativity, and caused significant barriers to the entry of new players on the tournament scene, which is the last thing any of us, least of all POP, would want.

Here's hoping that the latest format doesn't find itself with a card that will be exploited in a similar fashion.
Well I suppose that we could have a massively complicated banned and restricted list instead of set rotations.... then everyone could complain about what is on the banned list instead.

I may mourn the passing of transciever but I won't regret its demise. It can soon take its place alongside other "Hall of Merit" pokemon cards such as Cleffa, Focus Band, SER, Prof Oak,etc. each had their time in the spotlight, their 15 months of fame ;)

something will replace transciever. something always does. The king is dead. Long live the king!
I think this post is evidence that some of us take the game far too seriously sometimes. If this game is more about scholarships, winning, ego, et cetera, I would think you would need to evaluate not only your reasons for playing, but also your self esteem. It's taken me some time, but I've realized that this game is not nearly as important as we sometimes think of it. It's a hobby, a recreation, supposed to be an escape from our hectic lives. The reason I play now is for my friends, the people I've come to know is a great community and social network, as well as a couple afternoons/weekends a month of a little competition and self-challenge.

Not just your opinion, but mine too. I'd play pick up sticks if it meant I could hang out with Jimbo and the Nances. Sign me up for Monopoly!

We will be getting DP2 sometime around September (my guess) so we might see another set before cities. I hope nothing really broken comes out before now and then. For the past few formats, we've had a very broken card just rule the format (Trans/Cast - Pidgeot - etc) and it'd be nice to see a format without a ridiculously broken card running a muck.

I love this thread.

"if you love it so much, why don't you marry it?"

They should have cut Deoxys, Emerald, Unseen Forces, and Legend Maker but left Delta Species in since if I recal it came out after Legend Maker in Japan. I mean no holon engine hurts Delta decks to the point were they just wont be consistent enough to be considered top tier.

The thing is, is that now other decks have the same advantage since there aren't any cards that exclusively help δ pokemon. Now most decks will set up on the same speed. So top tier decks become the ones that either Hit the Hardest pound for pound, Have loads of disruption, manipulate energies the best; that is the way the game was intended to be played. And if you notice, up until the last two year that's the way the game was. The past two years have been mostley speed + a little luck, all because of a few hard to get cards.
Guys, Battle Roads aren't even over, and the new format has already been announced. At this point in time, it's a good time to announce next season's format. There are people who won't be going to Nationals and know will miss out on Worlds, so they might as well prepare for the next season. You guys sound like this is the first time a format rotation has been announced.