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blissy deck lists/combos

^ blissy won in 2 of the age groups and came in second and the other because it lost to rampardos/lukario. If mario is big then don't play it but if it isnt then blissy by itself or with delcatty.
^ blissy won in 2 of the age groups and came in second and the other because it lost to rampardos/lukario. If mario is big then don't play it but if it isnt then blissy by itself or with delcatty.
I think he being sarcastic.

I would love to see this thread evovle. God blissy really is becoming an epidemic.
Boost energy is Blissey's BFF

It gives her a nice boost in power.

Just don't attach DRE to her, it wont even do more than a standard basic energy.
Ive been running Blissey with Raichu. Seems to do pretty well, but those darn Lucarios just pummle it if you dont set up early........and very early at that.
A pre-testing rough draft:

2 Happiny
4 Chansey
4 Blissey
3 Elekid
3 Electabuzz d
2 Electivire
2 Electivire Lv.X

6 Lightning
4 Boost
2 Warp

4 Holon Mentor
4 Celio
2 Castaway
1 Strength Charm
1 Buffer Piece
2 Pluspower
3 TV Reporter
3 Team Galactic's Wager
2 Warp Point
2 Time-Space/Night Maintenance

If you're worried about prizes I'm sure 3/1 Vire is good too. And it'll be great when DP3 Vire comes out.
Blissey by itself is just FAST. T2 it's doing anywhere from 30 to 70 and it just goes up from there. With 130 HP it can last for a while too.
The main beef I have with using Blissey is that once its dead, it is likely that its successor is faced with something that can hit solid 70 or higher, whereas said successor will have to start from scratch. The fact that Delcatty is in the deck, who is not that hard to shut down, makes it more iffy.
That is just my view though.
It's funny how many blissey threads have popped up, especially after so many people gave it a bad rating in the card review forum.
The main beef I have with using Blissey is that once its dead, it is likely that its successor is faced with something that can hit solid 70 or higher, whereas said successor will have to start from scratch. The fact that Delcatty is in the deck, who is not that hard to shut down, makes it more iffy.
That is just my view though.

I run blissey electivire. I think i'm going to be playing that at my battle roads. the great about that successor theory is everytime blissey gets an energy back you move it back to vire using his power and blissey keeps hitting for a solid 60-70 every turn, then when he dies out comes vire ready to hit whatever killed it for 120/130 with strength charm.
The main beef I have with using Blissey is that once its dead, it is likely that its successor is faced with something that can hit solid 70 or higher, whereas said successor will have to start from scratch. The fact that Delcatty is in the deck, who is not that hard to shut down, makes it more iffy.
That is just my view though.

I didn't run Delcatty in mine & some of the other builds avoid it as well.

Additionally there is NO telling what you are facing once your first Blissey gets KOed. Many of my BR games that first one got whittled away while I had a second one building on the bench. In many games it only took 1 or two Blisseys to run though an opponent's deck & pick up 6 prizes ... mostly off Basics. Whatever KOed Blissey #1 was usually damaged & often within KO ranged of Blissey #2.

It's funny how many blissey threads have popped up, especially after so many people gave it a bad rating in the card review forum.

SO true.