Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

How Rare is Too Rare??

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Most kids are happy when they either pull good cards, holos, or EXs. Those odds are still acceptable, IMO. So yes, most kids are still happy.

Once again, let me use the lottery analogy. When the jackpot sky-rockets, sales increase. WHY? False hopes of winning the jackpot. Lottery players should be happy if they win lesser prizes; nevertheless, most dream of winning it all.

Eliminate even the potential for false hope by eliminating ultra rares.

Ultra rares make Pokemon too much like YuGiOh. I HATE YuGiOh rarities!
SteveP said:
Show me a person who buys a Pokemon booster without hopes of getting an ultra rare and I'll show you a person who really doesn't play or collect Pokemon.

Uhh.... I buy Pokemon without a care for these ultra rares..... They're just kool looking, and that's it! I PLAY the game, which is probably much different from the collection standpoint.... If you play the game to play, you won't care that much or at all, all the shinings will be is trade fodder, since, well, they suck...>_> BUT, the collector might be *angered*, just because, now brace yourselves for this one, the collector might have to actually WORK for their collection!!!*gasps*

Look, just take the positve attitude towards it, because it's alot better than complaining about it. The fact of the matter is, the rarer the card, the more packs someone will buy to get said card. That's just logic... Now, by some strange coincidence, wouldn't it make sense for the company of Nintendo to make these cards to gain sales...? Because, well, isn't that the main purpose of the business?

I guess what I'm sayin' is is either deal with it, or look at it in another light, because simple complaining will NOT get anything productive accomplished. Besides, you're all judging this a freakin' WEEK before the set's even RELEASED!!! Bottom line, there's always gonna be somthing "wrong" or something that someone will complain about in every set, so just deal with it.... Or, simply put, stop caring about the whole collection issue, because if you aren't gonna play the card, why would you need it anyways...?

That's just my two cents, though.... Let the flamin' off of this post begin! lol :p
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The-Mighty-Babel-Fish said:
The fact of the matter is, the rarer the card, the more packs someone will buy to get said card. That's just logic... Now, by some strange coincidence, wouldn't it make sense for the company of Nintendo to make these cards to gain sales...? Because, well, isn't that the main purpose of the business?
Or look at the other side of your logic. The harder it is to get a card, the more people might possibly give up.
There are three kinds of Pokemon card buyers: players, player/collectors and collectors. I have no idea what the ratio of these three groups is, or how this particular rarity scheme will affect sales. All I know is that as a collector, it doesn't compel me to buy more packs. I'm taking a wait and see approach to decide whether or not to even continue. I'm going to take a couple of months and try to finish (start!) my FR/LG set, then see where eBay prices are on the Shinings.
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Yeah, this is very true as well.... I guess it's just a collector thing though... I can honestly say that I, too, fall into the player/collector category. The thing is, though, is that I would love to play the game rather than sit around looking at a completed set of mine...>_>

I mean, I guess everyone has their reasonings for playing/collecting this game, mine is mainly for fun and support, others may be entirely different. They might be after the knowledge that they have a completed set, or the status of being the world's top player, who knows.

Now don't get me wrong, I do agree entirely that pokemon should never get into that messy system of poo known as the Yu-Gi-Oops system, and I also agree that these new cards are probably too overpriced. But the fact of the matter is is that you're all basing this arguement three days after they were first released to America. I mean, for chrissake, they aren't even done with the other PRE-releases. I think, as of right now, everyone's just gettin' a little too excited over what's happened over the last four days. Who knows, maybe they're just this rare in the first line of production, maybe you'll be pullin' one a box once they're finally "released", who knows. Everything up to this point is basically theorized speculation. I mean, we don't have enough concrete evidence to support the fact that there is exclusivly extream rarity on these shinings and let alone the normal ex's.

I dunno, I guess the best thing to do is wait a week or two, like dooskoop said above me... I dunno, this may just be my opinion on the matter, but isn't the true thrill of full-time collecting the rush of gaining the cards you need to finally complete that collection of yours? Not the thrill of chippin' out a hundred bucks or so and BAM you have your collection..... Who knows, again, this is just me talkin'....

...Again, let the flamin', or whatever, commence! lol
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SteveP:Using your own analogy, people buy for the odds of getting the big prize. Take that away, and people won't buy at all.
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Prime said:
SteveP:Using your own analogy, people buy for the odds of getting the big prize. Take that away, and people won't buy at all.
As one opposed to gambling, that's fine with me. :p

I'm done presenting my point-of-view on this. It's mostly a moral issue for me. I'm morally opposed to gambling. IMO, ultra-rares are a form of gambling; thus, my opposition to it. :cool:
A mistake people are making is assuming that the "ultra" rare cards will never be any good. Even if this is the intent, it is not gauranteed. Also, I found the "Shinies" could be useful. Think of it like TecH. Oh, and remember that the game is once again plagued by an under-estimated (by TPC) game mechanic.
GrandmaJoner said:
Extremely rare cards usually suck in game play. So maybe then if everyone stopped going after the rare cards Nintendo would make them less rare and more accessable to everyone =/.

When the best cards are the rarest cards then we have a serious problem. Then the only people that win are the rich people who can afford the rarest cards. That's Yu-gi-oh in a nutshell.

As long as the "Pokemon Star" things stay crappy then they will remain e-bay fodder or something nice to brag about. But I have seen the Latias and Latios from the next set, and if they are extreamly rare then it will be almost impossable to get one. Base Charizard sucked and it wasn't rarer than Magneton but it became rediculosly overpriced. The Latias and Latios are accually GOOD and are even rarer! This is not good.
Actually the two big dragons are good, but not overpowered.

They will not be winning deck staple material.

I have seen them, along wtih Ray, and their translations, and was not tremendously impressed.

They will be rare, they will be popular, but they will not be "must have" for players.


No. I doubt anyone will play Rayquaza *. ITs attack is almost never worth using and often doesn't even get KO's.

Although it might be nice vs Zap :rolleyes:
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Ray does damage to EX's right? Well, right now that isn't that powerful or effective. Maybe when EX's are huge again, but not right now.
I kind of like the ultra rares. They're cute, mostly useless card, but hey, they have pretty pictures. I'm not that rich, and I've only completed... 2 sets including Southern Island (haha), but it's nice if I pull a really rare card. Sure, it would be nice to have all the card sets complete, but for me, it just won't ever happen, so I don't sweat it much, and it means a lot to me if I get a really rare one once in a while.

Sure, I'll always want that really rare card, but I'm not disappointed when I don't get it. But I guess I'm kind of odd, usually being more ecstatic about a reverse holo charmander than the actual rare in the pack. Truthfully, I just sort of want the Torchic, and don't really care too much about the other two.

By the way, does anyone actually have scans of any of the starry pokemon?
In Sevierville, we pulled 3 shinys, 1 each of the torchic, mudkip and treeko. About 300 packs opened, so I say the rarity is about 1:100 packs. (or 2 per case)

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