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I just saw Fahrenheit 9/11...

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After seeing it, I wanna kick Bush's ***! I can't believe we have such a moron as a president! I never really payed much attention to the War on Iraq. After seeing the movie because of all this hype, I now see that I should care as Bush's plan on Iraq wasn't really about freeing the people of Iraq. It was all about $$$. Soldiers in Iraq are dieing because of him. And Michael Moore does have a point that we need to solve the homelessness in our nation and other problems we have before going into other countries! Its true that Iraq wasn't even a threat to us!

Too bad I won't have a say in this election. I would love to help kick him out of office!
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For what it's worth, Micheal Moore is known for misrepresenting facts. I heard somewhere or other that he even admitted to being unfair in this movie. I never liked Bush to begin with, though, so whatever.
I hope to be able to see this soon (kids on vacation, so no 'mommy' time =/)...but in my case at least it'll be preaching to the choir.

Monkey, if you want more of this type of news/information that you won't get from CNN, Fox, etc. I'd suggest reading either or ; to access Salon you'll need to follow the directions to get a 'day pass', but it's well worth it IMO. I have a subscription and it's worth every penny.

To all those who argue against Michael Moore in that he distorts facts, I pose you this question:

Which is worse, to distort facts to promote, in some form or another, peace, like Moore is known to do, or to distort facts in order to start a war, like Bush is known to do?
He has not said that he is unfair, he has just admitted that he has an agenda.
Not quite the same thing and it would be nice if everyone that had an agenda admitted it up front so that you could take it into account.
From what he said in an interview, in his movie the facts are real, the opinions are his own. What you hear from him in the movie is from his point of view. I for one respect his point of view and in some ways I do agree with him, I have seen what Bush has done and I will take that into account when I go to vote this year...
Every day i want to join the Army more and more.

I'm not lying.

I've already scored the max on their aptitude test. All i have to do is call, get a physical done, and sign. (My parents too until November).

That way i won't be tempted to argue things like this.

Sometimes i feel like i'd rather be overseas right now, with a group of people i know feel the same way i do.

Oh, and as far as promoting peace goes, i may be mistaken, but this movie just divided people even more. =/
People thinking through the facts and freely stating their own opinions is a bad thing because it's 'divisive'? Am I missing something here?

Isn't that what freedom is all about?

This came out today?
I wanted to see it, but...
At school, we were doing CEs (Current Events) and we were discussing the iraqi prisoner abuse, and the fact more and more soldiers in Iraq are bieng killed.
It's almost like no one cares.
I think this is terrible, and I wish I could've seen the movie.
Thanks for suggesting those websites to me Pokémom! I will start reading them soon. And yes eI_at10s, it came out yesterday. You can go see it whenever you want! ;) I really like Michael Moore's work. My favorite documentary he did was Bowling for Columbine. I believe all his facts are real, and those who try to say they aren't are probablly ****** off Republicans! :p
I care about it, but i realize that our troops volunteered to fight, and there must be a reason to do it.

I think i've found it.

{edit: "I believe all his facts are real" ? Blindly believing like that is just like what people accuse of Bush believing the Intel given to him by the FBI, CIA, and foreign allies. Ironic.}
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I just want to say that to all the minors who think they don't hav a say in the election... well, you're wrong, you've got a say. Speak out - get involved with a campain. Get your college-aged friends involved. Put pressure on policy makers to pay attention to what you say, to your issues, because in 2, 3, 4 years you will be voting. And when you get that chance, use it, vote.

And remember, change happens at a local level. We will not see a progressive president in this nation for many years, but if you wish to affect change, make an impact in the elections in your community, because that's where alternative candidates have the most opportunity.
I really want to see this movie.

And while I'm no big fan of Bush, what I've seen/read about this movie makes me want to laugh.

Again, I haven't yet seen it (and seriously doubt I can drag my g/f to see it, espically since she hadn't even heard of it until yesterday) and it'll probably be awhile before I get to see it, so I'll just keep my uninformed opinions to myself for now. :)
Why is it ok to bash the administration and the military like your hero Micheal Moore does, but anytime someone comes on and voices a conservative opinion the topic is locked or the person is bashed by all the “non partisan” moderators of this board? I may or may not be for the war and living in this great country that we all do gives all of us the right to voice that opinion but I will never disrespect our soldiers and call all of their sacrifices a waste. Love your country and thank whatever God you believe in that you live here and for all the great Men and Women who died to give you all the rights you take for granted.
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Well, i'm not too educated in politics, though it does interest me. I can't believe people would lock something about politics on a forum page about Random Topics. Strange, I remember something about Freedom of Speech or something like that. But then again, I am not sure if that is illegal. Also, if the mods haven't locked this topic (yet?) then don't complain, just share your opinions about this topic. Maybe the mods close these topics because some people complain too much, and are off-topic.

Anyway, about the movie. I've heard about it, and while it looks funny on the outside it affects the way people will vote for the new President. I have no clue about why people hate Bush so much, and don't have a good opinion about whether I like him or not, but it sounds like because of this movie, he won't be elected, and by the majority of the people I've heard from, that is a good thing. I don't want to take a side (Republica/Democrat) because I think that I would be bound to the beliefs of either side. I would rather formulate my own beliefs and believe what I will. Though I would like peace in the world, it isn't any fantasy of mine, and I don't see it happening in my lifetime. I guess I would rather fight and die for my beliefs, than to say "oh, its ok, please blow up our cities, we wont do anything about it." I know that fighting isn't a great way out, but until we can have two leaders from opposing sides sit down and talk together peacefully, we are going to see more wars in the future. I hope that all matters will be settled in the Middle East, and if we are just there to gain money, then leave the place now and let them become our friends, or at least neutral. Thats all.
I have nothing against anti-bush people.

However, Michael Moore is a worthless scumbag who misrepresents facts, tries to rile things up to make himself look big, and is just a nobody who makes terrible movies (I saw Bowling for Columbine, and was sickened by it). I'm not trolling you or the topic, that is just how I feel. Michael Moore, putting it very bluntly, sucks.

Again, these are the words Mr. Nice is speaking, so you KNOW he's bad ;)
BLiZzArD said:
Why is it ok to bash the administration and the military like your hero Micheal Moore does, but anytime someone comes on and voices a conservative opinion the topic is locked or the person is bashed by all the “non partisan” moderators of this board? I may or may not be for the war and living in this great country that we all do gives all of us the right to voice that opinion but I will never disrespect our soldiers and call all of their sacrifices a waste. Love your country and thank whatever God you believe in that you live here and for all the great Men and Women who died to give you all the rights you take for granted.
You have seen recent topics on this board, haven't you? Or are you just bashing?
We kept the Reagan thread open as long as possible but once it got too emotional, it had to be closed. This topic will get closed also if it gets too emotional and unrespectful.

Some asks about freedom of speech and rights. Everyone please note: The constitution and the Bill of Rights do not apply to the PokeGym. It is a private board and therefore we have final say over what can appear here. Our Primary goal is to provide an enviornment that is welcoming to those that want to talk about the Pokemon Trading Card game, young and old.
Anything that would drive away people from participating in the Pokemon discussions and enjoying a Pokemon community is not allowed or will be stopped.
We have had rules about not allowing ANY political or religious discussion, but have been flexible recently, up to a point. As long as people keep it under control, we're all very happy for members to present their sides. Once it starts falling into name calling and personal attacks, it gets shut down.
Not for the "conservative opinion" expressed. For the disrespectful opinion expressed. And we're more concerned with disrespect toward fellow members than toward public figures. Go back, look at the closed topics with that in mind and see if that's not the case.

What galls me is equating disagreement with the current adminisrations policies and thier current actions in Iraq with disrespect for our soldiers. I was and am in full support of the invasion of Afganistan and the expulsion of the Taliban and the hunt for Al Quaida. They attacked us and we must remove them from existance.
On the contrary, I was and am fully against the actions in Iraq. Yes, Saddam was a bad guy. You could say that about dozens of leaders of dozens of countries. The invasion of Iraq has had these effects:
  1. taken resources away from the war on Al Quaida
  2. Spread our resourses so thin that we can't respond well to any new threat that may come up.
  3. Made the Middle East LESS safe.
  4. Created ties between Al Quaida and many factions that DID NOT exist until now.
  5. Provided terrorists wih handy US targets that they didn't have before so that they can attack us daily now.
  6. Destroyed our standing in the world. You know things have gone sour when and American president is not welcomed in Ireland, for goodness sake!
  7. Taken Billions of Dollars away that could have been spent on homeland security that could have had a real impact on thte safety of US citizens.
  8. There's more, but I'm tired of typing. Please feel free to make a list of positive impacts from the Iraq invasion on US Citizens. I'd love to hear them.
I'm not a fan of Bush, but neither am I a fan of Moore. I do, however, think America needs Moore to act as Bush's foil. I never saw Bowling For Columbine. I've read most of Stupid White Men, though, so I reckon I know what Moore is about. He has a down-to-earth tone, conversational but empassioned. He's very selective in what facts he chooses to relate; I think it's partly because they're the only facts he can see. He's arrogant. Pushy. Dismissive of opinions other than his own. He knows he has America's Opinion on his side...

Just as Bush does. These two people are very much alike. Your President spent the night here on Friday so I got a similar ring-side view. There were protests; at the hotel, at the Embassy, wherever they thought they'd be heard. I saw an Irish interview with Bush in the run-up to that stay. He was quite determined to say what he wanted to say; reminding the interviewer at several points that this was an interview, not a debate. He almost came across as rude at some points.
Ultimitely, I don't think he understands those protests. He equates foreign anti-Bushism with general anti-Americanism. He kept saying that the protesters don't understand that things like Abu-Ghraib don't represent America. They do understand that. If, say, they were chatting with someone and then discovered that that someone was American, they might start to discuss politics and the war. Bush seemed to be under the impression that they'd start stoning the American. They have no beef with America. They don't like him. They don't like his foreign policy. I don't like his foreign policy, it's aggressive, presumptive and short-sighted. I get the impression that he thinks the Earth is his to stride.

This is the most rambling post I've made for some time, ah rekin. Ultimitely I think Bush and Moore are two arrogant, determined, intelligent men on opposite sides. And I'm not a fan of either.
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