Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Kinds of Players...What Player ARE YOU?

I like playing with raw Force. Discard any pokemon I can't see helping me get the victory. Stepping over all supporters that aren't needed in the turn. I use the force.
ryanvergel said:
I like playing with raw Force. Discard any pokemon I can't see helping me get the victory. Stepping over all supporters that aren't needed in the turn. I use the force.

Technically that is me. My friend left his name signed in on my computer. (I didn't know.) But ever since the days of the Oak and the Computer Search. I've been a player on the dark side of the Force.
DragonairMaster8 said:
7 years of playing this game, and i'm still just an intermidiate player. Geez, lol. GJ on this article, Tommy.
Holy christ! I never realized that the game's been out for that long. It seems like just yesterday seeing that Starter Set with the Machamp..

Jesus, this game's old
no doubt in my mind am i a mix of a beat-down and a rebel.

i love the feeling of just crushing their only hope of comeback and shoving it in there face because i did it with a deck which they called "crappy"
Man didn't know this was a great topic...YAY this is my first article and it is liked!!

I myself am a Universal Player

So i see my classifications of people by actions and deck play obviously made people find out what kinda player they are...Hehe im so happy :biggrin:
I would consider myself an expert player.I can pickup any deck and already have a full strategy for it.I also play to win and if that means playing an archetype
Force/ Beat-Downer/ Expert. Anyone who knows me knows I love to do the fastest amount of damage possible. I hate waiting 4 or 5 turns to setup. My unlimited decks, Fast deck(TR Mewoths), Primetool, and Pwndyu(Misty's Staryu) do around 150 first turn depending on the amount of trainers I get first turn. I love doing massive damage I play Sally, Monarchy, and Manectric EX(speed). I also tend to win the prereleases, everyone I've gone to but 2(of like 7) I've come away with a box. I don't even think the decks are good, but they do well.lol. I don't do the inventing, I do the fixing. BTW that should be a type or player

The FIXER: Watches quietly as others play. They look at decks online or during tournaments, and after looking at them, fixes them to work faster/stronger to his/her liking.Then after testing the deck for themselves, if the deck works then they keep it a secret until tournament time, if it doesn't then the word can be spread.(This will probably apply to most players)
I feel I cannot fit preciously into any of these catagories because my personallity often at times will define what deck I use. Now I will use powerful and common deck combinations, however will often develop combinations of my own, yet play in ways rather crazy for me. It is also known of me to develop decks based on theme than strategy and I love express myself in a deck if possible. *sigh* I don't know. My personality changes too, just as much as my decks do (I rarely stay with the same deck for any longer than a series of a paticular event). My life also changes which also changes my decks. I am not a typical trainer, nor will I ever try to be. There are more ways that show that than my deck.
I create decks with combo's with underrated cards, which nobody plays, i win a lot over here, sometimes i will use an excisting rogue deck too (adjusted to my play style), I have no problems playing any other decks than mine, i have won a couple of prereleases too (the ones i've been to, with EX:deoxys as only exception)

that makes me a rebellish TeCH inventor who brags alot? XD
I'm the best player in the game...

I don't fit in those categories... I'm on a COMPLETELY different level (foreign to all of you inferiors, of course)

Freakin' Wow, it seems my categories have given everyone (Except You Mysterious Trainer...YA FREAK lol J/K) something they can find that they can relate to themselves...

Hmmm my categorizing is good...who'd have known, but hey i still have about 12 to add to that already so be prepared next week!

Loser: Enjoys losing in the most spectacular and creative way possible. This player can always manage to turn a winning situation into an instant loss.

Example: Using Mr. Briney's Compassion on your only Pokémon to lose the game at the last moment.

Yes, it takes skill to lose ALL THE TIME.