Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

OREGON State Championships - March 13, 2010 (NEW Info)

Does anybody have four Alph Lithograph I can borrow? I really, really need them for my super secret deck.
For all you player struggling to get cards for states, Dizzavis (Aaron) and I (Andrew J) will have single rares/trainers/other goodies from the entire HG/SS set and sevral older ones. If you want to reserve something PM one or both of us, or just flag us down before the tourney starts :D

Good luck to all, i have no idea what to play!
I want to reserve 2 Ninetails HGSS and 3 Charizard AR. I will make sure to get them back to you sometime before pigs fly *furious nodding*
@ Shuckle

The cards that Shino and I have up for reservations are for sale. We will be at states, and we will set aside any cards that reservations have been made for from the others we have for sale. You'll have to pm one of us with your real name though so we can find you there..

ninetales is $5, zard is $4.

sorry, but we won't be "renting" out the cards for the tournament.
I "metapod" of Pokemon players just the other day :smile:

Just messing with you all. You know I'm playing G&G...the memory berry to allow Future Sight late game is the BEST!!!

hit and run Gardevoir!!

Wow that can creates some fun wif trainer lock or power lock

i cant wait for states only 4 days good luck everyone trust me ur gunna need it cuz =D TEAM RELICK WILL SWEEP STATES THIS YEAR!!!!!!!
yeah i edit my post because i relized that u have memory berry already on gardy so u cant belt gardy but would be cool tho if it was possible
Luckily I have all the cards I need for 3 decks. However, I will be looking to make some trades. I really want to trade for a Ninetails, Arcanine, and Tyroge from the new set. Hope someone's willing to trade those off.
Does anyone know how the pokemon leveling is going to work for the DS tourney?

Your pokemon need to be at lv50 already. So if they're anywhere above that level forget about using them. HGSS have the level down feature and I suspect it works the same way as how the battle tower does.
God now I'm not sure if I can even go. This week sure is....
Anyways, if I don't go, oregon better not lose to washington. (and team relick better sweep :D)