Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Scrub player syndrome

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On a side note, Ness actually was super close to switching to Empo/Zong the night before, as testing showed GG basically could not beat a standard Empo/Zong. Fortunately for Jason, everyone ran dumb Empo varients with things like Pachi, Cess, Dusknoir, and even CRYSTAL SHARD (Fulop lol).
I don't understand what you're saying. If I win with an inferior deck, I've accomplished more than if I won with GG. That's why I play rogues, not because I don't want to win.
It's because of people with your attitude who only play for the "thousands of dollars on the line."

How can you honestly sit there and say that in a tournament people shouldn't try to win in what they feel is the best way possible. And how do you know that people don't love the game just because they're playing GG. You can play red face paint/casual all you like, no one will care if you don't aim to be the best. But don't take shots at the best player in the world just because he didn't choose to live in your imaginary world of what's the right way to play Pokemon.

And please don't infer that I don't understand high level competition because I've probably won more tournaments than you've ever been to.

I'm not inferring that you don't understand high level competition, I'm telling you that if you can't understand why people choose top tier decks and can't accept them winning on their skill than you don't understand high level competition.

Even though it doesn't really matter how many tournaments you've won since you've never won a major. I'm just going to say that I've been playing pokemon since the days when people like you were complaining about Haymaker.
The concept that an inferior deck beating a superior deck is an accomplishment is complete fluff. Pretty sure winning Worlds with an Electivire themedeck is a pretty big accomplishment, but no one's doing that. Why not? If the idea is to achieve the most fulfilling victory why not limit yourself completely? You're being selective on a concept you hold so dear, and that's pretty hypocritical. It's like saying one man is more guilty of murder because he's killed more people than the other. Perhaps, but the person who hasn't killed at all is the ideal. So, if your only defense is, "I wanna be flashy when I win worlds, and as such, I make the conscience choice to play decks I view as inferior", why stop there? Why not win with a theme deck?

Sounds to me like you're playing a bad deck so you'll have an excuse when you go 0-x at a tournament besides lack of play skill.
Right you are NoPoke... the historical examples in the article lack credible historical perspective.

Condemning a win/player for deck choice is mere prejudice.

Play your own style and have fun. Don't look down on others that don't conform to your style.
As a past scrub who finally realized that, in order to make anyone care about what happens to me, I should stop restricting myself to crap decks with the intent to make everyone see how much I deserve leet Pokeymanz street cred, I am getting a kick out of this thread. It's almost as good as the thread screaming at everyone cheering for their homeslice. Almost.

But with that said, you guys are totally right. Ness totally does not deserve the championship. Even if he had won every single Worlds ever, the fact that he used GG this time definitely burns his passport to Respectopia.

Brilliant. Simply Brilliant.
But with that said, you guys are totally right. Ness totally does not deserve the championship. Even if he had won every single Worlds ever, the fact that he used GG this time definitely burns his passport to Respectopia.

Brilliant. Simply Brilliant.


I was one of those scrubs as well at one point. But then I got tired of losing...
Yeah just in case everyone read over what a few of the best players on earth posted, GG is a significant underdog to Empoleon/Bronzong. Jason even knew this, but played the deck he was most comfortable with.
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If Jason KNEW that he was playing an underdog deck doesn't that make Jason a ..... No, I can't bring myself to say it.

The concept that an inferior deck beating a superior deck is an accomplishment is complete fluff. Pretty sure winning Worlds with an Electivire themedeck is a pretty big accomplishment, but no one's doing that. Why not? If the idea is to achieve the most fulfilling victory why not limit yourself completely? You're being selective on a concept you hold so dear, and that's pretty hypocritical. It's like saying one man is more guilty of murder because he's killed more people than the other. Perhaps, but the person who hasn't killed at all is the ideal. So, if your only defense is, "I wanna be flashy when I win worlds, and as such, I make the conscience choice to play decks I view as inferior", why stop there? Why not win with a theme deck?

Sounds to me like you're playing a bad deck so you'll have an excuse when you go 0-x at a tournament besides lack of play skill.

Nice argument. Those who argue for limiting your/ourselves are on a very slippery slope- where does the hindrance end? Eventually we're all playing, like Jake said, theme decks to achieve the greatest possible win.
How can you honestly sit there and say that in a tournament people shouldn't try to win in what they feel is the best way possible. And how do you know that people don't love the game just because they're playing GG. You can play red face paint/casual all you like, no one will care if you don't aim to be the best. But don't take shots at the best player in the world just because he didn't choose to live in your imaginary world of what's the right way to play Pokemon.

I'm not inferring that you don't understand high level competition, I'm telling you that if you can't understand why people choose top tier decks and can't accept them winning on their skill than you don't understand high level competition.

Even though it doesn't really matter how many tournaments you've won since you've never won a major. I'm just going to say that I've been playing pokemon since the days when people like you were complaining about Haymaker.

I'll make this quick since I should be packing to leave for college tomorrow.

First of all, no one is personally "taking shots" at anyone. I am merely just trying to state my opinion in which I believe that having honor in playing a deck that 80% of the world isn't playing earns more of MY respect than not. I'm guessing the "imaginary world" I live in is one where I sit and play Ramparods theme decks all day, right? Haha you're completely wrong my friend. See, in my world people actually have spirit of the game and don't follow the crowd. But I guess you're right, that is in fact, an imaginary world. Thank you for wholely supporting my argument that people only care about playing what wins than having fun using a deck that isn't considered an archetype by the mainstream of players.

Just so you know, I have won plenty of major tournaments before I stopped playing OP after worlds 2004. When I Was at '04 worlds I couldn't believe how cut-throat the environment was and it just wasn't fun anymore. It was all about winning this and winning that. See, I have a life outside of Pokemon. I'm going to an elite college (Emory University) with a full ride so I don't need to follow the crowd to win $5000+ at a pokemon tournament. I'll play whatever I feel like playing and if it does good (which it probably will) then I'll be happy. (BTW, I played Machamp at worlds 04, went undefeated in grinders and the main event but lost to a Gardevoir deck in T32. I'm not sure if you played back then but Machamp was probably the equivalent to Scizor/Toxicroak now.)
On a side note, Ness actually was super close to switching to Empo/Zong the night before, as testing showed GG basically could not beat a standard Empo/Zong. Fortunately for Jason, everyone ran dumb Empo varients with things like Pachi, Cess, Dusknoir, and even CRYSTAL SHARD (Fulop lol).

when i played fulop i was wondering why was there a crystal shard XD.

For the resistance and garchomp im guessing?

and i agree with Matt SPS is all over these boards..
Let's not get off into personal disputes and rudeness.

Many elite players may not realize it, but a game needs a healthy number of scrubs.
How else would you fill out the bell curve?
Here's a question for all the haters: if you are tasked with building a championship swim team, do you intentionally pass over Michael Phelps? If you do, that's stupid. The silly notion of dismissing a deck because it is good and popular is no less stupid.

On a secondary note, would this thread even exist if the format had been more than GG, EmpoZong, or lose? Do you hate the player for his choice, or the stale format for forcing his choice?
Seems like most people don't get the point of complaints about Plox. Jason is a great player and did not only win because of the deck - however, I have much more respect for the Junior Champion because he didn't go mainstream and still won.

There are two ways to go at a Pokémon tournament - the first one is, try to win the tournament by using the deck that's considered the best available. The second is, try to win by playing an unexpected deck and make the tournament more fun for everyone.

What's the sense in a trading card game if you face the same deck in 4 or 7 rounds? If a new TCG releases with only one deck for everyone, would you play it?

Don't tell me you would rather play against 7 play than 7 different decks. That's the reason many players - myself included - just hate Plox. If someone chooses this deck because it's is his best chance to win, I can understand that, but I wouldn't do so. No player choosing Plox as his deck is responsible for this metagame problem, but any player choosing another deck helps to make the whole TCG more fun for everyone, even in times the past season. And of course, it takes a lot more skill to build a really good rogue deck than to write a good list for a deck already known and proven to be good.
Shoot....let em all play the same deck and I will build the counter and Rick Roll them! I say congrats to Ness for playing well, no matter what deck he used.

Shoot....let em all play the same deck and I will build the counter and Rick Roll them! I say congrats to Ness for playing well, no matter what deck he used.


It may interest you to know that had Pokemon USA banned Gardevoir Level X for worlds, I was going to write a parody that went something like this:

"Never gonna lev' you up, never gonna bring you down, nor teleport around and lock you..."

Anyway, now that I've given you all nightmares for weeks, I'll chime in on this topic: Quite frankly, I don't think any less of someone because of their deck choice (at least not without knowing the specific reasoning behind the deck choice). However, as a part of the media, I know there's always more of a story when someone creates their own deck, win or lose.
EmpZong > Plox? Arguably. But A LOT of people played it. Did I see it in T4 Masters? Juniors?

Do you hate the player for his choice, or the stale format for forcing his choice?

I'm tired of the hate.<=period And frankly, many of the vocal haters straddle both camps.

You're all welcome to debate this stuff on the Gym, of course! I'm personally tired of all the disrespect for the GG players... it rises to a new height of ridiculousness when it reaches to Ness.

I'm also heartily sick of tripe like 'ban GG/Mags!'. Whether you're really sick of the format or merely frustrated by ineffective efforts to metagame it... it is what it is. That stuff had no hope. And no historical perspective, either. This format might not be as rich as Neon or last season, but it shines in comparison to the stultifying dominance of GatrMagcargo or evenBARGardy

Shoot....let em all play the same deck and I will build the counter and Rick Roll them!

A lot of 'great' players tried this and failed. Some even loudly proclaimed their 'originality' but the product was merely an ineffective meta-counter.

The second is, try to win by playing an unexpected deck and make the tournament more fun for everyone.

That might be an effect of an 'original' deck -- I sure had a good time following ScizorCroak in T4 (and catching the game errors people made because they weren't expecting it). Maybe Jeremy and Pablo and Plaidlespez (sp?) can tell us if that is why they developed Queendom. It certainly was entertaining, but I would guess the main goal of the weeks of prep was to win.
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