Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

U.A.A.S.T. Underground Association For The Advancement Of Shuffle Trackers

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you've successfully managed to draw attention to yourself the day before my states.
I've never liked that logic. Someone said that about me a couple of tournaments back. How do you expect people to inform you of illigit activities if you attack the messenger? Sure, make a note about who said what, but don't discourage people from informing you.

How does a judge tell what a player is doing inside thier head with out them being a mind reader? So for having such a harsh punishment there is little to base your DQing on.
Ever seen the show Lie To Me? :rolleyes:
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I've never liked that logic. Someone said that about me a couple of tournaments back. How do you expect people to inform you of illigit activities if you attack the messenger? Sure, make a note about who said what, but don't discourage people from informing you.
how is a judge/TO stating that a player known to them has drawn negative attention to themselves by statements they've made on a PUBLIC board re: unsavory play habits 'attacking the messenger'?

I've never liked that logic. Someone said that about me a couple of tournaments back. How do you expect people to inform you of illigit activities if you attack the messenger? Sure, make a note about who said what, but don't discourage people from informing you.

Ever seen the show Lie To Me?
He's not "informing".
He's advocating.
Difference, get your difference here.
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So, my judges won't need to pile shuffle your deck after every "shuffle" called for during your game??? (I'm totally serious about this!) I really don't see how the rule is "wrong"--maybe I'm not understanding. If you want to memorize the order of the 2 cards you've put on the bottom for a CP Claydol, then Psychic Restore your Uxie behind that, sure, you can "know" the order of those cards--until the next time you "shuffle". Once that happens those cards could be/should be ANYWHERE in your deck.

No I love this game and would hate to have any kind of DQing i was just simply trying to express my opinion with this post about the rule i am not a cheater nor have I had any entention to cheat the pokemon game with any method.
From Dictionary.com:

ad⋅vo⋅cate   /v. ˈædvəˌkeɪt; n. ˈædvəkɪt, -ˌkeɪt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [v. ad-vuh-keyt; n. ad-vuh-kit, -keyt] Show IPA verb, -cat⋅ed, -cat⋅ing, noun
–verb (used with object) 1. to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly: He advocated higher salaries for teachers.

in·form (ĭn-fôrm') Pronunciation Key
v. in·formed, in·form·ing, in·forms
v. tr.
To impart information to; make aware of something: We were informed by mail of the change in plans. The nurse informed me that visiting hours were over.
To acquaint (oneself) with knowledge of a subject.

I'm informing you about what these words mean.
I would advocate that you take the time to learn how to look them up yourself.
I'm informing you about what these words mean.
I would advocate that you take the time to learn how to look them up yourself.
That's not an example :mad:
Didn't expect to get attacked by a moderator :nonono:. Looks to me that the OP is informing us. Any advocating is the result of this being a text-based medium, satire, and a player getting pushed around for bring it to light.
That's not an example :mad:
Didn't expect to get attacked by a moderator :nonono:. Looks to me that the OP is informing us. Any advocating is the result of this being a text-based medium, satire, and a player getting pushed around for bring it to light.

You asked for an example. I gave you one.
There is no attack.
Maybe you misunderstand me because this is a text based medium and I was using satire.

Maybe I'm not understanding what it is you want an example of.
Could you advocate me?
Ghetto Overlord: I guess it is possible to do a shuffle track technique if you can remember extremely well (like above genius levels). I think it should be illegal because of unfair advantages. I do agree that for some parts of a deck you could possibly memorize like 1-2 cards in a specific 5-10 card range but, after an opponent shuffles your deck, it would be near impossible to memorize. I don't even want to try to memorize my deck in order, my brain would hurt :lol: If any pokemon player could do this, I would want a judge beside my table to shuffle their deck. Conclusion: It should saty illegal and DQs/bans should happen if this happens...
shadowcard: so you're saying ghetto overlord was standing up for and defending a practice he doesn't believe in nor practice himself? and that's why he posted two threads on the same subject? he's the victim here?


Maybe you misunderstand me because this is a text based medium and I was using satire.
Then we are guilty of the same thing :wink:

I just noticed this the the RTC. I definitely didn't mean to wander into this board.

Leaving now.
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Randomized is randomized. Either you know what card is on top (bottom, middle, whatever) or you don't.
Actually, it is possible to have an idea of where a card is, even after a good shuffle. (say you look through your deck, notice a cards location, shuffle. Just by knowing how the deck was shuffled it is quite possible to have a decent idea of where in the deck it is)
doesn't sound like a "good shuffle" to me.
I know that is is asking is highly unlikley to happen however last year there was a thread that asked for the banning of plox. which is an entire deck. I am asking for a change in a rule that harms people that are using their own [del]inteligence and memory[/del] bad shuffling skills to gain an edge.
I corrected your statment for you.
*comes into thread*
*Sees OP's post saying that he wants PUI to leagalize stacking your deck and or being able to know where the cards are in your deck....in other words eliminate randomizing the deck.....*
*reads a bunch of posts telling the OP he is an idiot*
*sees mods not locking this retarded topic.....*
*I see 2 mods argueing with shadow card over what the OP was doing.....*
*I see someone with a prof logo saying "^^^^^ lol ShadowCard you got pwned"*

hmmm everything seems in order here, carry on

I come back to the gym after like 2 months... and this is the first topic I see.
Its good to be back....

But seriously, all I see in this topic is one guy complaining about the luck factor in this game, and saying he should be allowed and able to memorize the order of his cards that should be randomized.

...Did I miss something?
lulz: This thread delivers them.

@Ghetto Overlord - The deck is supposed to be random. If you're shuffling in such a way that allows you to keep track of even one card in your deck, you've gotta find a new way to shuffle.
Shadowcard: I just realized what you were asking for an example of.
It wasn't clear to me before since it was a rather short command and because I couldn't conceive of someone not seeing the advocacy.

Anyway, here's a pretty clear indication of advocation in the OP, bolding for emphasis:

Underground Association For The Advancement Of Shuffle Trackers

Hi i'm Ghetto Overlord and I have been playing Pokemon for many years and have found many of the rules weird or uncalled for but none more so than the ban of shuffle tracking. Shuffle tracking is mentally keeping track of a certain card’s location in your deck while you shuffle, therefore giving you a (slight) advantage. For example, if I know that there is a clump of Mesprits in the middle of my deck, then it’s better to play Bebe’s Search rather than try to draw into it using Felicity’s Drawing. Some of the rules made by Pokemon Organized Play I can understand; such as the ‘no music’ rule, because some joker got a walkie-talkie and had someone read him the cards in his opponent’s. This makes sense, no matter how unfair group punishment may be. However, I find the ban on shuffle tracking ridiculous because when you shuffle track you are neither changing the rules of the game or using some outside source for aid. You’re using your head and memorization skills. In addition, according to the Azelf rule, you are no longer allowed to write down the cards in your prizes, but you can remember where the cards are placed… but you can’t remember where the cards are in your deck because the deck is special some how? I find this inconsistence with in the games rules very bother some. I also am against such a harsh punishment given to the shuffle trackers as spelled out by Poke Pop here. http://pokegym.net/forums/showthread.php?t=95122

So I am starting this organization to change this rule because it favors the players who don’t pay as close attention and make the rules favor the players that keep a close on on every aspect of the game.

Thank you for your time and attention
- Ghetto Overlord

Seems pretty clear to me
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