Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Why BigChuck01 should be Unbanned

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After reading through three pages of this, I can't understand how nobody noticed this.
Let's take a look at some of his accomplishments:

9th in the World in DCI at one point
5th - ECSTS (Undefeated in Swiss)
1st - CSC 2001
2nd - Professor Championships 2001
2nd at Origins 1st ever Team Event with the great Jason Klaczynski
15+ 2002 Pokemon Trading Card Game WORLD CHAMPION (Undefeated)
2 Windy City Championships
2 15+ Super Battlezone Championships
1st - 2005 Illinois State Championships
1st*** - 2005 Missouri State Championships
2nd - 2005 Indiana State Championships
1st - Iowa City Champion (But that doesn't really count, sorry Iowa)

1. Didn't the Professor program start in 2002?
2. There was no 15+ division at Worlds '02(though there was a professor event).

I figure I should note a few things(please forgive my bluntness).
1. The boards I staff at would never ban/edit/delete/warn, anything that does nothing more than question the judgement of a member of the staff(in a civil manner). Any boards that would do so, are(to use a word less vulgar than the word some staff from this board uses) excrement.

2. I agree with T-tar 666. These boards have gone downhill. I only find myself logging on once a week to check for new rulings logs(and those aren't even posted in a timely manner).

3. The "we won't tell you if it's against the rules until you do it" attitude of the staff seems to be the same reason so many people hate the FCC. How can you expect somebody to avoid breaking a rule they don't even know about?

4. BigChuck should finish out his ban on these boards(as was previously stated, there are other boards he will go to if he doesn't like this one).

5. Professor Dav's post was not very well thought out, and I will not even try to defend it, but I will say that he is an individual who works very hard to keep this game running smoothly.

6. I'm seeing pokemom creating posts that are nothing but quotes of other posts(I enjoyed meeting you in person at worlds '02, but that is a little against the most basic board rules).

7. I wish that people who keep saying that "nobody is above the rules", would stop breaking said rules.

Someone who gets permanently banned already has a string of rules violations and temporary bans on their name
Unless you count my brother(who got a permanent ban for daring to think that an admin shouldn't violate the rules).

9. All these "I can see Chuck stepping out of a pepsi truck" posts, need to stop(they are the definition of spam).

10. People will be judged on the only data available to judge them by(in this case, how they act online).

After all of that, it may seem like I'm some punk troublemaker, but I'm not.
If I don't have to leave before something is complete, I will always see it through to the end(BDS can vouch for me on that one).
Jeremy Badeaux said:
2. I agree with T-tar 666. These boards have gone downhill. I only find myself logging on once a week to check for new rulings logs(and those aren't even posted in a timely manner).

I kindof agree with you the same here. In the last 6 months I've noticed a lot of rule breaking, such as spam and mature things it's crazy! In the last 2 months so many bans have been handed out that it's insane. There are so many people who've broaken rules it's sad.:nonono: It's kind of like some kind of epidemic has fallen over PokeGym, kind of like smallpox was at one point. It kind of feels like at least one person is being banned each day for certain reasons.

But what has gotten into people lately? Is it a faze/trend that the forums are going through? Or is it something much more like a rebellion or a comspirasy(sp)?

And how would a ban work anyways since I've never been banned from a site and don't plan to be? Does the person only able to read posts and the compendium, or are they banned from everything on the site including the compendium?
Well, when a forum gets as big as this, there are more people that come constantly. The more people there are, the more fights there tend to be. It's a fact of the internet. I personally do not think the PokeGym is declining. It's just growing, and with more people, there are more problems.
Jeremy: Your brother was perm banned for something else, if you recall. Certainly not for politely disagreeing with a mod/admin.

It's not quite a situation of "guess what will get you a ban this week".
There are guidelines. They center around respect for all members. When people start posting insults and threats, they shouldn't be surprised when a ban follows. All that was stated was that people are not going to get a 20 page list of specific statements that will earn a ban. That would be silly.

Other than that, thank you for your well thought out post and you are not seen as a punk troublemaker. Again, we're open to all opinions, as long as they're well expressed, as these were.
Hey folks...

With all the crap that I've seen posted on here (and a lot of it posted by myself at times, eh 'mom?) without bans being handed out, I can say that if someone was banned, there's a *very* good chance they deserved it. (Moved or Locked threads are an altogether completly different story...)

I don't know what happened in this situation and it's really none of my business... But if he was banned, I'm going to conclude that he deserved it.

The moderators here are very fair when it comes down to bannings. Think about it, how often do you hear of someone getting banned? Not very. There's a reason for that - simply because not too often do regular or semi-regular board members get banned. Which implies that when they do, there is just cause for it.
Bruce 1337 said:
My good friend BigChuck01 was recently banned from the Pokegym for "mod bashing" or something. Now I know this is against the rules, but do we REALLY want to ban our #1 shot at getting this game into the public eye? As much as we hate to admit it, we KNOW Chuck brings a lot of attention to the game. His "Bad-Boy" and "Sex appeal" will help to bring in new, young sponsors, like Abercrombie or Pepsi. I for one can DEFINATELY see Chuck stepping out of the Pepsi truck with a Rock-Lock in one hand and a Pepsi in the other. -Bruce
IMO, anyone who wants to add "sex appeal" and that crap to Pokemon should be banned forever and sent to jail for putting that stuff in little kids' minds. I think he should say banned and never get to come back, never! :nonono:
Well I think you should be banned and sent to jail, MewMast, but I don't come splurging it out now do I?

This thread IS pointless, so close it now. ;x
Yes, I think it's a bit pointless too. I just wanted to say my opinion and when I read what this guy wanted to do it got me very mad. When I'm mad, I say what's on my mind without thinking about what I say. I don't know why your getting on my case when all I did was state my opinion. Besides, what did I do wrong? Nothing.
OK, well, we didn't close this poll because members needed their say (which normally should be PM to a mod) and then PUI had something to contribute, but now I think the benefits of this thread are tailing off so, back to our regularly scheduled programming. Click.
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