Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Cards that just drive you out of you minds. Which cards just drive you CRAZY?

Cards probably drive me crazy in a much different way than most people. It just makes me furious when they reprint a very rare promotional card into
-Common American promo
-Common booster pack card

I've had encounters before where I'm showing some rare cards to some friends and they reply with "Big deal? That card is so common in *insert booster pack here*", and they refuse to understand the difference.

OH, also. The new series "Shiny" Pokemon cards have an awful holographic shine to them. The Japanese cards have this awesome full-card glitter and are glossy, why couldn't they do the same to the American version?
Yeah. Course I don't know what I'm missing. But it's the same princable as the Kingdom Hearts games. Japan gets the Final Mix versions and everyone else doesn't get all the fun bounuses.
I can't say anything about the judges at the event, as that wasn't my call. I didn't hear the intonation of your voice or anything related to the match, so I'm not saying it wasn't a good call. I think I see the use of "I will attempt" now, as it is kind of saying to your opponent "Hey, you're going to power spray me."

Either way, this card definitely has added to the play of the game and has proven annoying for players AND judges alike.

Sorry, but this is gaming and you should have been warned. You could be perceived as trying to make an opponent waste a power spray without committing to using the power. You announce the power. If he doesn't spray it, you have to use it. Is this so hard?

I love and hate Dialga G. I love my deck, but I mourn the loss of at least half a dozen great decks that can not be played in this format. Machamp, I just hate.
Okay. Bump. Since there have been 2 new sets since Platinum I think now would be a perfect time to bring this topic up again.
Rigth now I am really ticked off by the new Milotics. They stink! The same with the new Garchomp. Their best attacks are -XXX damage. So annoying when building a deck.
Cards I hate: Kingdra and Gengar. Kingdra because I have faced it so many times (and only lost to it once!) and Gengar because I have to play around it. I also hate Poketurn. Right when I need to kill an SP Pokemon, my opponent brings it back into his or her hand. I also love it-I have a Crobat G tech with Poketurns in my deck and that has saved me so many times. Trouble is, one Poketurn is prized every game right when I need it so it drives me crazy that way.
Unown G.

Because all of the fun Special Condition decks died.
You can still run them but, just about every grass deck and half of the psychic deck ideas that is are tricky and fun are not tournament worthy because of Unown G :(

RIP ... Vespiqueen, Dustox, Parasect, Wheezing (and so many others)

OTHER CARDS that drive me crazy are ones that just LOOK like I should be able to deck them, but they just don't work out for me like...

Porygon2 -- Download looks SO good, but when I deck this guy, the deck actually becomes inconsistant... every time.
Darkrai G -- body is hottness, but Unown G shut down so many things that could combo with it (especially good ol' Darkrai X)
POKEBALL -- SO FAST ... when it hits. I've noticed that 90% of the time, ANYBODY who whiffs on heads with two of these loses the game (strange, but pay attention when you see someone running it... it's weird how that works out)
Dialga -- Deafen. It's just kinda cheesy/cowardly sometimes.
The cards that drove me crazy were from last format, where G&G ruled supreme. Gardevoir and Gallade were just so powerful, and I couldn't afford them, and everytime I played against G&G I had a sense of dread. It is therefore that the two cards that have driven me to the brink of insanity are Gardevoir SW and Gallade SW.
The cards that I hate?

- Dialga G LV. X and Deafen Lock --- ruined Ampharos, Sceptile/Shaymin/Torterra, Scizor/Cherrim, and many more other decks that could have been playable in the format otherwise.
- Mesprit and Power Lock --- Self-explanatory
- Power Spray --- Trap Card much? Anyway, I think it was annoying that they made this card because Poke-Powers already have a cost in themselves- ending your turn, once a turn, coming into play powers... In short, the frequency or the condition in which you can use a power can be considered "proportional" to it's effects. Imagine if you can use Electivire's Energy Recycle once a turn, or use Cosmic Power only when you evolve a Baltoy, or ending your turn after using Uxie's Set-Up. And then, Power spray comes along to screw it all over. I hate it how it ruined a lot of cards- Togekiss, Hippowdon, Walrein, Electivire FB LV. X, among others. And I also hate the fact that it can't stop Fainting Spell... Ugh.
- Kingdra --- I don't really hate it (as much as the other three) but I can't believe how it manages to be an archetype (or close to) from LA to RR.
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zong/duskie. spread. spread.spread. HATE IT! I also plaed kingdra once... they kill. it's annoying, ecpeccaly when your'e playing ape 4/ tran:nonono:

It's a stage 1 that's quite possibly the worst card in existence. WHO THOUGHT THIS THING WAS A GOOD IDEA? SOMEONE, ANYONE, please tell me.
MY WORST: Aerodactle GL from Rising Rivals. My brother had one up while I had my Kabuto from Magestic Dawn. He kept using Primal Breath so I couldn't evolve, then when nothing could get worst, he had a stinking resistance!:mad:
Kingdra and the Vibrava from Rising rivals
Kingdra's Obvious but the Vibrava is just evil
[I run Rhyperior and have been running it since MD and these have been the things that really agitate me]
i absolutely used to hate LBS and Poli-Stall,( i mainly hated LBS because i couldnt afford it :lol:) and poli-stall was just plain annoying