Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

UK REGIONALS (aka States) Rumours and Facts

no need to apologize. I really hope I can go to Nationals, just for the reason that we hardly have any tournament run that properly and great as was London states. We just always get some Magic tourney along, and all attention goes to other TCG players.

I was quite surprised about the number of Dragtrode players and not a single rock-lock, luckily for me, I must admit.
Czech Invasion succesfull - 3 players in Top 8.. Prepare for Nationals... XD
Metagross you do realise that no non-UK player can win the trip to Worlds at UK Nationals, right? I think it would be pretty stupid to make such a journey but if that's what you guys are into, well there you go. Do you not have Czech Nationals there? I very much doubt it.

If you don't have any tournaments that were run as 'great and properly' as London States were well really Pokémon must really suck in your country. BTW you have a State Championships on May 1st I think from your LD's website.

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Poliwag92 said:
but wont you become a uk player if you attend an event? I went to a CC while in London

That's like saying I'm American as I attended Worlds, it's a non-starter.

You have to live in the UK to get the trip, end of story. The trip would be passed down if not lost forever. Which is stupid. I'd know I'd be upset if I were to be knocked out of a trip by someone who wasn't out to represent the UK. And it could happen to anyone at Nationals, not just myself.

I'm sure they were welcome to the States yes, I would not welcome them at Nationals though.

Freddy K. said:
..............I would not welcome them at Nationals though.

why not?

If metagross is eligable to play at the UK nationals then surely he should be made welcome????
I wouldn't welcome it because they aren't from the UK but are playing in the UK Nationals.

If they aren't going to win anything it's going to be stupid for them to come unless they really wish to waste their money. And if they aren't good enough to represent their own country at Worlds I don't think they should mess up a Nationals tournament somewhere else.

freddy, i understand your concern, but if he wishes to take part in our nats, then it's his choice. it may not be the most cost effective way of going to worlds, but if you're invited then that's good. at least some of the 15+s would be able to afford going to worlds even if they didn't win nats, T4 get the invite, winner gets the trip. think: it's worse for those in the lower age groups who have to convince their parents or others to pay around £2000 to allow themselves and a guardian to go to worlds for a weekend.

if they qualify in OUR tournaments, they have as much of a right to play at nats this year as you do. if they are a commited enough player to attempt to qualify in a different country, then we should respect that. it shows how commited to the game they are; true spirit of the game here.

if you can't face up to the fact that they want to qualify here and they have earned their chance properly, then don't go to nats. but don't complain about it here.
Has everyone forgotten an important fact?


And you'd HAVE TO be totally STUPID to want to
a) go to another country's Nats
b) in the hope you'd win
c) to get an invite
d) and THEN pay for a trip to Worlds.

It would be BETTER to PAY to FLY to Worlds and QUALIFY Through the grinder.

A LOT of people qualify that way. Think. Top 1 place in the UK or top 50 or so at San Diego where you'd HAVE to pay to go anyway?

If Czechs or any other country's people want to qualify for Worlds without a trip through another country's Nats that's just plain dumb thinking.

T4 don't get an invite at UK Nats it's T2 unless it's different from last year which I don't think it is.

I also believe that the small print says you HAVE to be a RESIDENT of the UK to GAIN THE ACTUAL INVITE from the UK as a UK player.
So yeah, they're more than welcome to come and play. It'll be something to laugh at.

The more the merrier!

Surely no-one should be excluded if they want to play. Whether they can win the trip or not.

Metagross had a good day at London States, such a shame that my deck didn't work when I needed it to most.

Bring it on - I for one would love a rematch!
Freddy havent u won trips in other countries???? And did u go to STS`s as a result of them! So its just fair if hes allowed to play, cant we just go to there Nationals????
Yes, I knw from the beginning that I couldn't win a trip at UK Nationals, but I can win an invite. And then I would pay for a trip to Worlds. It may sound like a waste of money, but what would you do with them, anyway? Buy a new computer? Clothes? Something else? I think the best spent money, are spent on something you enjoy doing.
And I would go to UK nats even if I couldnt win an Invite. I just want to compare my skills with UK players'.
Seeing as Trip gets passed down, whats the problem?
I would be glad to see foreign players at our Nats, cause they would have fun and we wouldnt suffer from that.

Freddy K. said:
If you don't have any tournaments that were run as 'great and properly' as London States were well really Pokémon must really suck in your country
Im glad you realized that. Yes, we have 2 Citys and 2 States, but they are no different from other tournaments, just the name.
metagross said:
I think the best spent money, are spent on something you enjoy doing.
I couldn't agree more. If you're willing to spend that much money playing in Pokémon TCG tournaments and going to Worlds then do it, and I dont think anyone should say otherwise. I mean, that may not be what they want to do but evidentally you do, so go for it.

metagross said:
Seeing as Trip gets passed down, whats the problem?
The only potential problems I can see or fair reasons why anyone would argue this are:

1) They want a UK player to win UK nationals
Fair enough, and I know this first hand because I feel I have a chance of winning nationals. Maybe not the best chance but definately a chance, and I would prefer to win than not win. Although I think if someone qualifies and goes they have the right to win. I would not be angry if it were won by a foreign player at all, as much as any local player.

2) The trip doesn't get passed down
I don't think this is known yet but it possibly won't be. If a foreign player were to win Nationals, no one would get the trip. Possibly. I think its fair to see how frustrating this may be, I know it would be impossible or near impossible for me to go to Worlds if I don't win the trip, although this is why I will play to win.

Of course I want to win, of course anyone wants to win. Doesn't mean I don't welcome the challenge.
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Freddy - POP website says that it's T4 that get invites. if the OP here decides to do something different, we'll find out and post it on the Nats thread.

Dom Jordan said:
1) They want a UK player to win UK nationals
well, THAT's obvious. it's the UK nats.
though, the more the merrier, as RussFierce said.
if OP in the Czech Republic is dying, surely he has the right to come here to try out his skills? if he wants to, we have no reason to say no. he's qualfied, he's willing and (tbc) able to attend. it shows how much he wants to play the game. if he wants to, he has as much of a right as you do to play in nats.

freddy, he's been invited. nothing you can do can stop that now. let him play. if you're so concerned, make sure you beat him and get the trip yourself.
if we don't let him play, it may look as though we are favouring UK, and that might be considered a bit xenophobic or racist. now THAT is completely against the spirit of the game and floor rules. :nonono:

i'm not posting again on this thread, i'll post the state results somewhere else. i can't believe that we're discussing this on this thread. especially after what happened to you freddy some time ago. :nonono:
Rock Lock had fallen out of favour in the UK as it was found to be inconsistant. Hence Dragtrode, Gardevoir, and others showing up. Even Slaking hasn't made that big an impact as it does get beaten by Dragtrode as you yourself found out in the Swiss rounds: The Slaking vs Dragtrode matchup isn't an auto win for the Slaking player.
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There has yet to be a decision on foreign players at UK Nationals and I for one have no poblems with them playing at all. It was great to see a slaking deck working something others and I am one of them have failed to get going properly.

If TPfG decide no to non-uk players at nationals I think that would be a shame if they say no to the trip going to a non-UK player that is another matter entirely.

Personally I would like to see anyone who has qualified there and playing, let's not thin the field after all if you win you want to know you played the best games against the best people :)
This isn't a race issue at all, it's a UK representative issue. Dom is right, the trip does not get passed down. So if a foreign national wins, no-one goes.

This was different to 2001 whereby foreign Nationals could win trips. I know that, I won two of them - Sweden 2001 STSQ and Germany 2001 STSQ.

To pay for two trips just sounds like something a complete idiot would do, that's all. Especially if they can qualify in their own country. Which is something we couldn't do in 2001 as we didn't have 15+.

If you want to compare skills hook up on Apprentice. You've all heard of that, right? =|

Again, the trip isn't passed down. I also have the feeling that you actually HAVE to be a UK resident to go on the trip. That's the whole point of it being invitation-only.

From conversations that I have had in the past it is my own feeling that for publicity purposes it is not good PR to have foreign players representing the UK at Worlds. Again, that's why Nationals isn't an open event.

I think that some sort of input from TPFG is really needed in terms of clarification on who can and cannot win an invitation from the UK to play at Worlds. My own feeling is that they will say that it won't only be the trip, but the invitation too, that cannot be passed down.

It's not xenophobia, it's good marketing. Anyone who's been anywhere near a marketing department of a successful company knows that fact. Send a UK player, and future players from that country will want to do that too. Ask Dom.

NoPoke said:
Rock Lock had fallen out of favour in the UK as it was found to be inconsistant. Hence Dragtrode, Gardevoir, and others showing up. Even Slaking hasn't made that big an impact as it does get beaten by Dragtrode as you yourself found out in the Swiss rounds: The Slaking vs Dragtrode matchup isn't an auto win for the Slaking player.

Played properly RockLock wins the DragTrode matchup hands down. It also wins against all the other matchups that you mentioned. Crystal Shard on Dark Tyranitar isn't that hard to pull off. TTar also OHKO's Sneasel. If a TTar goes down then Scramble brings them straight back into the game. Obviously in this matchup neither side can use Battle Frontier, it'll hurt the DragTrode play more though as they rely totally on Pidgeot to gain some sort of consistency. Without Pidgeot DragTrode has difficulty coming back.

Gardevoir is hilarious against DragTrode. Gardy should win most of the time. It just waits for all the energy to pile up, which DragTrode needs to do quickly to take out the Stage 1's before Gardy moves outside the range of OHKO. Obviously DragTrode's chances are increased by the use of Strength Charm which Dom found to great effect but that strategy requires Pidgeot to be consistent. Gardy also needs Pidgeot to work now, so whoever gets Pidgeot out first wins the game in that matchup. Gardevoir ex has just found an increase in favour as Vileplume ex has started to become a viable threat. The more it's seen, the more Gardy becomes stronger.

Gardy has always fed on weak Pokémon, weak attacks and weak consistency. Pidgeot pushes things forward for a lot of decks but obviously if you are searching for four cards every turn you have a distinct advantage. Unfortunately that goes against the DragTrode player in this matchup as they are pulling out more and more energy as time goes by. I say more and more, as less experienced players of DragTrode do this to have a back up hitter when the initial cleaner i.e. RkSneasel goes down. Overall at best Gardy is 50-50 with DragTrode, partly due to its big attack on weak basics in Feedback if DragTrode hasn't set up yet and has big hands, and partly because DragTrode favours lots of energy on the field and sneasel with 90HP can't handle a feedback which places damage mid to late game twice in a row.

RockLock versus Slaking isn't even funny. Slaking just folds completely. What should they do, play Battle Frontier? Oh well there goes their own Pidgeot draw. That's clever. The Slaking-DragTrode matchup would lie heavily in favour of Slaking through
a) powers off
b) type advantage
c) ability to OHKO anything in DragTrode
d) counter gyms can fit better and in larger quantities in Slaking.

Battle Frontier was the best thing to hit the UK metagame. Now everyone's confused as to what will and will not work. Anyone who plays 4 Frontier will be guaranteed to make top 8 I'm sure, too many people will still have faith in Pidgeot and they'll find as I have done through extensive playtesting that it just does not work any more. It's the reason why it was invented specifically for our market and not the Japanese one.

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