Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Why is Kingdra such an awaited card?

I have a list that can consistently dump 2-6 cards from my hand per turn BEFORE I attack.... so don't doubt the ability to do 60 for 0 or more pretty easily if I sit down across from you.

As Ryan said, its not that hard to discard a ton of energy before you attack. You just have to think and find the combos.
uh, well, i like blissey, so i think that it would be good with bliss. or u play it alone with lunasol.
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I would play it with no starter.
Why not?
Kingdra has a difference to almost any other T2 deck - it needs only 1 energy to do good damage.

Most T2 decks work like that:
T1 - attach energy, do some minor attack
T2 - evolve, attach energy, attack
(if you don't get out T2, you'll get into a disadventage)

Kingdra can be played this way:
T1 - attach energy to starter, do setup attack (Pachirisu, Phione, Lapras whatever)
T2 - Rare Candy to Kingdra (or evolve to Seadra), attach energy, reatreat, attack
(if you don't get out T2, just take one more turn with your starter)

No reason to start with Horsea, because you won't miss the energy attachment to your mainhitter. Of course there is the chance to get T1 Rare Candy Kingdra, but this will happen very rarely und is nothing you rely to.

btw - no Blissey!
It takes your energy from discard pile, but you want to have it there for the second attack.
There is absolutely no synergy between Blissey and Kingdra.
Kingdra is a pretty sick card, it can do a large amount of damage for no energy and hit 60 for 1 and 20 to the bench why would anyone think it is mediocre? Also, isn't it doing well in Japan?
Kingdra's only downfall is that it loses to PLOX.

There is no recovery to wager+Psychic Lock. You can't afford to drop cards from your hand, and after a one upstream kingdra is virtually stuck. You'd need to copycat or cynthia's and if PLOX just plays smart and warps and stuff to maintain the lock before a few swift bring downs or KO hits kingdra folds.
Without DRE Plox will be a fair deal slower, so personally I don't think its that big of a problem.
Although I could be proven wrong when that time does actually come.
Even so, Kingdra.dec could just play more straight/shuffle draw than most other decks would, that way if they are to get stuck in the Plox they have a fair chance of drawing a helpful trainer that they need so as they aren't stuck with nothing to do. Considering that the only Pokemon that need to be played are:
4/2/4 Kingdra
2/2 Claydol
4 Starter
You might not even need the starter, or 4 Horsea/Kingdra. A 3/2/3 line could work just fine. So with the low amount of Pokemon played in the deck, fitting more shuffle and straight draw really wouldn't be much of a problem.
You could even easily go for a more disruptive build, which is keen for decks with extra trainer space. Although I don't really see much disruption cards after rotation, however.
Kingdra's only downfall is that it loses to PLOX.

There is no recovery to wager+Psychic Lock. You can't afford to drop cards from your hand, and after a one upstream kingdra is virtually stuck. You'd need to copycat or cynthia's and if PLOX just plays smart and warps and stuff to maintain the lock before a few swift bring downs or KO hits kingdra folds.

Some how I just dont ever see Plox beating AMU, so I don't think it will be played much.
^Good thing Plox loses a lot of speed after rotation.

Plox loses a little speed but not much.
A tech Togekiss can and usually does fully charge a Gardy/Gallade in a turn and then some.

I've already tested it and Plox basically has the same power just it doesnt have to worry about Beach/Cessation anymore.

It will be interesting to see its success next season with the Pixies around.
I think it will still do good.
^ If it is basically the same except it doesn't have to worry about Crystal Beach then why play DRE in the first place?
If its basically the same without DRE then why not build Plox without DRE and play Crystal Beach of your own?
Because its much better and faster with DRE.
It will not be basically the same. It will still be a threat, I am sure. But it will take a little longer to set up and it won't be quite as frightening to see our opponents flip over a Ralts after set up.
^ If it is basically the same except it doesn't have to worry about Crystal Beach then why play DRE in the first place?
If its basically the same without DRE then why not build Plox without DRE and play Crystal Beach of your own?
Because its much better and faster with DRE.
It will not be basically the same. It will still be a threat, I am sure. But it will take a little longer to set up and it won't be quite as frightening to see our opponents flip over a Ralts after set up.

All that may be true.
And of course it will be slower but not by much.
It will still be a very fast and efficient deck, but it doesn't have DRE or Scramble. The Togekiss tech has made up for this in my testing. Togekiss has averaged 3-4 energy which makes up for the lack of DRE/Scramble IMO.
Without DRE Plox will be a fair deal slower, so personally I don\'t think its that big of a problem.
Although I could be proven wrong when that time does actually come.
Even so, Kingdra.dec could just play more straight/shuffle draw than most other decks would, that way if they are to get stuck in the Plox they have a fair chance of drawing a helpful trainer that they need so as they aren\'t stuck with nothing to do. Considering that the only Pokemon that need to be played are:
4/2/4 Kingdra
2/2 Claydol
4 Starter
You might not even need the starter, or 4 Horsea/Kingdra. A 3/2/3 line could work just fine. So with the low amount of Pokemon played in the deck, fitting more shuffle and straight draw really wouldn\'t be much of a problem.
You could even easily go for a more disruptive build, which is keen for decks with extra trainer space. Although I don\'t really see much disruption cards after rotation, however.

I\'d actually consider running a 4-4 Claydol. Baltoy isn\'t a bad starter at all, and having 2-3 Claydol out, will ensure that you do boat loads of damage over time. It\'d be like you get to pick your hand.
Some how I just dont ever see Plox beating AMU, so I don't think it will be played much.

Somehow I don't see AMU consitently beating a lot of decks in the next format. But even anyways plox will not be played as much and if it is I don't have to worry about it.
All that may be true.
And of course it will be slower but not by much.
It will still be a very fast and efficient deck, but it doesn't have DRE or Scramble. The Togekiss tech has made up for this in my testing. Togekiss has averaged 3-4 energy which makes up for the lack of DRE/Scramble IMO.

Yes, but with Togekiss you have to wait until you have access to Togepi, Rare Candy, and Togekiss. And without DRE it will be a little harder to bring out techs like that, as you may have to put resources into getting your energy or other such things before you can do that.
Really, after rotation I just see Plox as another stage 2 deck that's main attacker sets the rest of the deck up with it. So all in all it will be faster than your average stage 2 deck, with the ability to stop them in their tracks with Power Lock. But with its lower than average damage output and max, if and when your opponent does break the Plox if they can have just that one turn of powers they should have no problem coming back, as they will probably have a much higher damage output and max. Such as Kingdra.
Plox may be beating Kingdra, but when the Plox breaks and they have a turn to set back up they will be able to do so much more damage that it will catch them back up in no time. Hopefully.

Kingdra and Plox will both be huge decks next format, I am sure of that, but I don't think Plox will dominate anywhere near how it has now. And because we will have the Lanturn, among other good electric Pokemon, Kingdra may have some competition other than Plox.