Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Recent content by Box of Fail

  1. B

    A Petition to Ban Tropical Beach

    It is extremely satisfying to know that I own a tropical beach and most players don't. It will be useful to defeat players who have more skill than me but cannot afford to pay ridiculous prices for the best deck.
  2. B

    Offensive deck title?

    Kring Krang Krong?
  3. B

    Should Pokemon Catcher Be Made Into a League Promo?

    Considering the reprint in DEX, I don't think they'll print Catcher as a league promo. They only print league promos when they're going to rotate in half a year (I think, correct me if I'm wrong). When it's about to go, they probably will print it.
  4. B

    Mewtwo a must in Eel decks?

    At least 2 in every Eels list imo. Zero is a big no-no; Rayquaza is fine and all but it doesn't replace Mewtwo at all.
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    Fall Regional Prizes Anounced

    When it comes to complaining, I've been one of the most trigger-happy, and yet, I don't really see the problem here. Yeah, they're discriminating against Masters. The theoretical market of this game is kids after all. It just seems they went here with ideology over practice. Yes, lots of...
  6. B

    Pump up smash? How will it be ruled

    As PokePop said, you can use an attack without a valid target. You can also use an ability without a valid target. You can't play a Trainer without a valid target. That's the difference.
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    I would play a copy in any Terrakion ex deck, and it's worth consideration in Klinklang/ Hydreigon style decks also.
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    Beginners thread

    This is not exhaustive by any means, but hopefully it helps somewhat. archetype n. a widely played deck adj. (of a deck) widely played bench v. 1. (trans) to put a card onto one's bench, usually from one's hand. 2. (trans) to cause one's opponent to lose by knocking out all his...
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    Pump up smash? How will it be ruled

    I think there is still a fundamental difference between hand and deck. I think it's also not correct to say "what you know doesn't matter, only what The Game knows does." The deck search fail rule allows you to play cards that will fail because at the time of your playing them, you don't have...
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    Pump up smash? How will it be ruled

    I suppose I misspoke when I said "public knowledge." The hand and the deck, though, function differently in terms of failing a card effect. What I meant was that you can't even play a Trainer when you know it will fail and the game does not, assuming you have direct access to the area you're...
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    Pump up smash? How will it be ruled

    Private Zone =/= Unknown Zone. You can't play a card to no effect knowing your hand doesn't contain the required card. Like how you can't fail Engineer's Adjustments. If there were a Supporter that did the same thing as "Pump Up Smash"'s effect, you still couldn't use it unless you had BOTH...
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    Another Rebirth Question

    Sorry for not having asked this earlier, but your response to the previous Rebirth question had me thinking. What if the card never left public zones? For example, I flip tails on Rebirth, use Revive, and knock the Revived Ho-Oh ex out with Reuniclus's Damage Swap. In this case, is leaving...
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    I have Ho-Oh ex in the discard pile. I unsuccessfully attempt the "Rebirth" flip. Then, I use Super Rod to shuffle it into my deck, Pokémon Communication to retrieve it, and finally I discard it with Ultra Ball. Does it count as the same Ho-Oh ex? Can I attempt "Rebirth" again with the same...
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    Pump up smash? How will it be ruled

    What are you going to do in the meantime then? Have it handled inconsistently at the discretion of judges? Or is there some temporary method that will be implemented across the board?
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    Mew EX and aadding damage

    I think you are mistakenly merging two claims of mine into one, when the two are in fact distinct. First, that the purpose of Meta-Rulings is in no way to keep the modified metagame healthy. Second, that the purpose of the Compendium is to clear up ambiguity in card interactions. The...