Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

2007-2008 Modified Format Announced! Major Changes!

You people complain too much.

I think its safe to assume next years format is DP-On. This is the Pokegym were wild factless speculation can begin as soon as possible.
*Holon Transciever Some how gets reprinted and everyone is just like HP-on OK!*
I dont really care to tell you the truth I dont know what we played between the days of dunsparce and the engine lol I dont know how to make a deck without it
For what it's worth...

The Trainers that will be rotated:
Balloon Berry (Deoxys - 84)
Energy Charge (Deoxys - 86)
Lady Outing (Deoxys - 87)
Meteor Falls (Deoxys - 89)
Space Center (Deoxys - 91)
Lanette's Net Search (Emerald - 77)
Lum Berry (Emerald - 78)
Oran Berry (Emerald - 80)
Wally's Training (Emerald - 85)
Curse Powder (Unseen Forces - 80)
Energy Root (Unseen Forces - 83)
Fluffy Berry (Unseen Forces - 85)
Mary's Request (Unseen Forces - 86)
Pokemon Reversal (Unseen Forces - 88)
Protective Orb (Unseen Forces - 90)
Sitrus Berry (Unseen Forces - 91)
Solid Rage (Unseen Forces - 92)
Holon Farmer (Delta Species - 91)
Holon Lass (Delta Species - 92)
Holon Research Tower (Delta Species - 94)
Holon Researcher (Delta Species - 95)
Holon Ruins (Delta Species - 96)
Holon Scientist (Delta Species - 97)
Holon Transceiver (Delta Species - 98)
Cursed Stone (Legend Maker - 72)
Fieldworker (Legend Maker - 73)
Full Flame (Legend Maker - 74)
Giant Stump (Legend Maker - 75)
Power Tree (Legend Maker - 76)
Strange Cave (Legend Maker - 77)
Mr. Briney's Compassion (OP Series 2 - 8)
Multi Technical Machine 01 (OP Series 2 - 9)
Pokemon Park (OP Series 2 - 10)
High Pressure System (OP Series 3 - 10)
Low Pressure System (OP Series 3 - 11)

Courtesy of a Pokepedia search and remove. :)
YES!!! 1337 descision PUI! This is quite good news.

This year, I've come up with several decks that don't work well with the Holon engine, but without it they can't beat it either. This is going to be great news to the little kids at my league:

Little kid- "Can you fix my deck?"
Me- "Sure, lemme see"
"Wait, you don't have teh Holon Engine!!! Your deck is teh suxxorz, and you might as well quit unless you can convince your mommy to buy you 50$ worth of cards!"
Little kid- "kk thanx bai" *Goes and plays Yu-gi-oh*

Also, this will lighten the speed presure. Now If you get a lame opening you can probably come back, without phear of a T3 Flygon/Metanite domination. It makes the game less lucksac based which is always a good thing :D

Props to POP!
Eh...well, the Holon Engine is now in shambles, time to start getting some Castaways now >.> And another deck, since all mine have been around for 2 seasons, lol.
Jran, Don't worry, there are some Eeveelutions Stars
and mind you, there still be at least more Eevees for DP in next set or so!
I wouldn't be so bothered about this if it wasn't for the fact that so much of my money is tied into cards and now, when I desperately need to get that money back (I owe people several hundred dollars. Don't ask) I can't sell anywhere (my 18th birthday falls in the middle of Worlds, so I can't sell on eBay either). By the time I've been a member for a year, my cards will be rotated and worthless. ;_;
Because they are Japan and are not managed by POP.

Add to that, that EVERY series in Japan has different set legality rules.

Sometimes thier pool is larger, sometimes it isn't.

Prof. Dav

Because Pokemon Organized Greed, or whatever they prefer to call themselves, are in charge here in America, and in America, big buisness = screwing over your consumers.

We're taking the bullet here so they can make a quicker buck, it's simple. I was curious why the soon-to-be legal sets were becoming more expensive, while older sets, like Delta Species, stayed the same price. POP is basically going to force you to buy new cards and at a higher price. This is why the announcement was so sudden, to make sure that the average consumer panics and buys up lots of packs at jacked up prices before thinking things through.

The rules of this game should be the same everywhere, but they're not. You think it's bad here? Try Europe. I hear things are quite a cesspool over there when it comes to how well the players are treated. This is a huge step backward from where we were, and POG/POP is turning this game into another magic.

Make up all the excuses you want, Holon Engine this and that, it's all pish posh. Most of the new DP enabled decks MURDER the holon engine. Electanite was going to completely nullify decks like Raieggs.

This is just greed at it's most predictable and understandable level. That's ALL this is folks, is greed. I'll be seeing the rest of you on ebay, selling those cards we all bought like, 3 months ago, which are suddenly illegal already.

Personally, i'd laugh in the face of the guys at PUI/POP/etc. I could run their shady buisness better than they could, in a flash, doesn't take much more than a degree in marketing. :nonono: Shameful buisness is shameful buisness.
Thank God for this decision. Seriously. I completely agree with Mike. Transceiver and the Holon Engine had such a large stranglehold on this game. I love how all the current archetypes are either gone or severely crippled. This decision will force those who cannot think creatively and not simply metagame/rip decks from the Internet (at least for a time).

This game was for awhile more about luck and matchups and less and less and less and less about skill. That type of game is not fun. For everyone freaking out, there's going to be new cards, have you looked at the DP2 Spoilers? There's some pretty good cards in that set.

I wanted to personally thank POP/PUI for this marvelous decision and making the game fun again. The game isn't so bad when you have to deal with broken Pokemon, those you can counter. But when you have a broken Trainer Engine and have to play your Trainers a certain way, every time AND cut out non-Delta Pokemon, that's when you have a problem.

Looks like I'll be starting this game back up in the Fall after all,
