Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Texas State Championship...March 20, 2010

so this about states of texas and so we are talking about food!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?! i thought this was for tcg?????

You should know by now that these threads never stay on topic about TCG. The ONLY thing you need to worry your little Lubbuck tumbleweed brain about is that ALL of us are having FUN and getting along AND looking forward to visiting and battling with each other. THAT'S what this thread is all about. It would be VERY boring if all we talked about was Pokemon and what decks will be played. All of us pretty much know what decks will be in play at States and because of that, we choose to talk about other things.

Speaking of tumbleweeds and Team Dairy Queen, I'm still wanting the 411 on parking. Look, I'm too BEAUTIFUL to have to pay for parking.
I was minding my own business on the other state thread *cough* Arizona *cough* and i smelled food! Hey cookie...whatcha making????
so this about states of texas and so we are talking about food!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?! i thought this was for tcg?????

JUst to bring up a good pont team cook is right. Dont worry about how many times the thread falls off topic as long as were getting along and smiling were gonna be ok. Food is a natural topic turner in a thread like this. Its gonna happen when we have 3 large guys in one topic :lol:
Such is the advantage of living in our area: literally EVERYONE is not stingy, and recognizes that the point of a tournament is to determine the most skilled/highest quality deck.

That said, my collection is open for borrowing. Lord knows I've received the same favor in the past.
You don't need to bring the card.
As long as you know it by memory, you won't need to bring it.
HOWEVER, should you mistakenly forget, it's right there w/ya.
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cool, me and blackfire will be there

glad its close too :)
Austino, send me a PM, Yeah, I want to give you a heads up..

Dang it Martin, don't spill the beans on my super duper awesome Abomasnow deck, it's suppose to stay a secret.

Speaking of girl scout cookies, any news on the parking situation.
ok so i called the hotel and i think they said that it's $109 for the hotel

Yes, you are correct. The "Hyatt Regency Dallas" has the correct room rate up at this time. Remember to mention the "Texas State Pokemon Championships" when you call.

MP birch

Back to back posts merged. The following information has been added:

Speaking of girl scout cookies, any news on the parking situation.

I will meet with the "Convention Services Manager" tomorrow to iron out all the details for our event. I will have an answer for you sometime tomorrow evening.

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