Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Why Catcher Is Not Bad For The Game


New Member
I wrote this article 2 months ago and was intending to submit it to pokégym. However, I just don't think enough content is there to justify submitting it. So its effectively been gathering dust on my computer. I haven't added the necessary links and images which would be expected to make it submission worthy. I don't think there is any spelling errors, but they'll probably be an array of gramatical errors (although it will not be noticable to most casual readers) which is to be expected for a first draft. I'm giving my opinion on Catcher and what effects it will have on the game. Hopefully it should be interesting to most people. It's a shame I can't post images as I was proud of the front page image I made.
7 Reasons Why Catcher Is Not Bad For The Game​



I understand this card has been the part of heated debate for the last 8 months or so, and I do not think there is much I can say to alleviate members who are against the release this card. All I can do is to provide information to what the meta is likely to be and how to play round it. The following article is intended for people who are on fence about this card, and are unsure of what the impact will be. The deck list provided in the article is only meant as an extreme example of how deck might specifically try to abuse Catcher. It may not be successful if every deck runs 8 big basics and 4-6 bench techs. However, I am fairly certain that many sucessful decks in the future will be simalarly structured in that they will not run many pokémon and close to half the deck will comprise of trainer cards.

Ever since the Black&White set was released in Japan, one card above all others was being talked about, and it was not Emboar, Reshiram, or Zekrom. It was effectively a direct reprint of Gust of Wind. Catcher is a card which allows you to choose one of your opponents benched pokémon and bring it to the active spot. There is a multitude of reasons for doing this, but they can be summarized into getting a KO on a weaker benched pokémon or dragging a high retreat active which allows for stalling and sniping. Clearly many popular decks we will be seeing at the upcoming nationals and worlds less viable in the future, but it will allow some other decks which are currently viewed as inferior to be more playable.
Here's an example of a deck we might see come Cites. I have done no testing with this deck and have not considered the likely future threats which will be need to be teched against.

4 Mew
3 Minccinno
3 Jirachi
2 Shaymin
4 Cinccinno

4 Pokémon Collector
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Junk Arm
3 Revive
4 Super Scoop Up
2 Pluspower
4 Professor Juniper
3 Dual Ball
2 Energy Retrieval

4 Double Colourless
10 Psychic

Strategy: Lost Zone Cinccinno using Mew to abuse his do the wave attack and swarm with Mew and Cinccinno for the rest of the game. Jirachi is used devolve rare candied pokémon and provide energy acceleration for Mew and Cinccinno via combination of Stardust Song and Shaymin's Celebration Wind. Catcher and Junk Arm is maxed out to provide consistency for taking out weaker benched pokémon.
I think most of the people complaining about Catcher are the ones who realize their pet deck is likely to suffer due to this card, but guess what? This a trading card game where new cards are continually being released all the time, and sometimes they turn the metagame on its head. The reason why last season was so terrible was due to the fact new cards being released created very few playable decks or anything that threatened the current top decks. In fact it only made the best decks beforehand even better which made the format even more staler as a result. Without farther ado I will discuss the 7 reasons why I do not think catcher will be bad for the health of the game.

1. There is not as much draw power as there used to be.​

Back in the base-set days it was essential every deck ran 4 Oak, Bill and Item finder which allowed for crazy draw power. They could be played as often as you liked and could pretty much guarantee you would be able to draw into and search out most of your deck. However, back in these days, attacks were only doing 20-30 damage and it was a common sight to see Scoop Up and Switch being run, so there was no problem getting the pokémon that was dragged active the previous turn out of the active spot. This format, there is a lot of theorymon when it comes to match ups and viability of decks and techs on the forums. People assume that a player will have access to a particular card right away and can rare candy a stage 2 on the second turn; get Ninetales on the field and have Reshiram doing 120 damage all on the same turn. With the old Professor Oak, Bill and Item finder it might be plausible to do all that consistently. However, the best draw power in the format are supporters, which any seasoned player knows can only be played once a turn. It will not always be in the best interest to play Juniper because you will be getting rid of crucial pokémon and other supporters. With less draw power its much less likely you or opponent will have access to catcher or junk arm to reuse Catcher.

2. Bench Sitters are overpowered.

Most people have quickly realized this format that using Stage 2 pokémon for attacking purposes is not viable this format and that is without the existence of catcher. However they are used as bench sitters because of their abilities or poképowers and there will be even more on the way. Lets face it attaching unlimited energy every turn, moving/placing damage counter(s) in whatever way you like, rearranging top decks and even stopping evolutions from being played are all extremely strong powers in any format. At the moment there is no reliable way to stop your opponent from locking or overwhelming you with their powers and abilities. Catcher will hurt stage 2 setup decks, but its far from making them unplayable which I will explain later.

3. Item lock is still viable.​

Several people stated that they felt catcher should be errated to a supporter which is ridiculous. There is two pokémon currently in the format which can realistically item lock. Teddiursa from Call Of Legends can prevent players using items during the opening turns and provide a mini wall if you are lucky enough to hit heads. However, from testing I have found this lock can be pulled off consistently if the upcoming Victini is used. Victini's ability allows the player to repeat their attack if it involves flipping coins. It's not as good as Spiritomb last format but on the upside you will not be preventing yourself from playing your own items during your initial turns. Using Teddiursa to stall should buy enough time to get a Vileplume out so items can be locked all game. The only problem with running item lock compared to last season is that more cards are required to set it up. It is likely at the very least to require 4 teddiursa's, 2 Victini's, a 3-2-3 Vileplume line and 3 rare candy. This is a lot more compared to the typical 4 Spiritomb and 2-2 -2 Vileplume lines that item lock decks were running last year.However, I am fearful that a fossil Muk reprint may released in future. While a card like that will definitely effect all abilities, I am less sure if it will be extended to Poke Powers and Poke Bodys.

4. More big basics are being released.​

When Zekrom and Reshiram were first revealed in the black and white set, people were right to gasp at the seemingly ridiculous stats they had considering they were just basics, after all Reshiram is better than base set Charizard. Given the fact they have so much HP, it is unlikely they will be 1-shot if they happened to pulled active, and your opponent will certainly be weary of attacking them when there is a good chance outrage might be used against them in reply. While a Haymaker deck may not necessarily take the same skill to play compared to a stage 2 deck. It does allow a lot more room for trainers which will increase the skill of deck building. It will also give you a better chance to return a knock out with all the energy acceleration we have this format.

5. All decks can take advantage of it.​

What annoyed me most about the SP engine last season was the fact only a select group of cards was able to take advantage of them, and frankly pokéturn and energy gain would be broken in any format. However, power spray could have been a good card for the format had every deck had access to it, as It would have been generally used to stop both players from abusing Uxie draw. With catcher in the format both players will have an equal chance to disrupt their opponents strategy.

6. Catcher is ineffective as the start of the game.​

During the first couple of turns it is unlikely your opponent will be able to do enough damage to get a knock out on anything. Since most basics have a 1 retreat cost it will be easy to get them out of the active spot not to mention nearly every deck will be running switch.
7. Players will adapt to it.​

Now you have realized the threat catcher poses to your deck how can you play around it? Since you are probably using a deck that relies on stage 2 pokémon it may be advisable to run heavier lines. Instead of running 3-1-3 Emboar line, it might be better to run a 4-2-4 or even a 4-3-4 line. This will give you a better chance of getting him out later in the game if Tepig happens to be forced active and Knocked out the next turn. You also may want to search for the same two basics and play them down on the bench at the same time. Every deck including the ones that specifically abuse catcher should strongly consider running Switch. This is to prevent your opponent from dragging a pokémon active for stalling or sniping round it. Even if its a pokémon with 1 retreat cost you will need waste your energy for you turn in order to get it out of the active spot. Other things you can do are run more disruption cards like Judge,Weavile and yet to be released N. Also, cards which allow you to view your opponents hand should also be considered. Most importantly, try to avoid running cards which have a high retreat cost like the bad Tepig from Black&White.


I do not doubt Catcher will have a big impact on the game, but I do not see it ruining the game either. It is unlikely each player will have access to it every turn and they will not always have the resources to get a knock out. Don't forget if they are using Catcher they're probably not dealing with your main attacker. It will also prevent bench techs from locking you like Archeops and Slowking. It will help slower decks because catcher can be used to disrupt faster decks by pulling up a bench tech to buy those crucial turns. While not every deck will be designed to abuse Catcher, it is of the upmost importance that whatever deck you choose to play over the coming season has to have a back up plan, or a way to recover from an early setback.

So there it is, there isn't much to add which I haven't already said in the article other than I think it will elimate some luck from the game, as you won't need to rely on reversal flips.
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I think you missed the biggest point:

I'm tired of everyone whining about the game being "luck" based and it all comes down to how well your flips are on reversals. Well, one thing is for sure: the game won't come down to reversal flips any more. But, I'm sure everyone will find something else to whine about...they always do...
chrataxe, you're completely right; the only reason Catcher is good for the game is because Reversal was printed. Neither of these cards should have been printed, but we might as well get Catcher because we have Reversal.

Some mini-responses:
1. Agreed there is less draw power, but I have no trouble running into enough Reversals in my Stage 1 deck; I see no reason catcher would be different. I won't always have one when I need it but I think I will most of the time.

2. Bench sitters are good for the game - LBS and MetaNite were both incredibly fun decks to play (so is Magneboar); imagine what they would be like without bench sitters. Compare that to a deck like ZPS - ZPS is much less fun to play because you have less options and less strategic moves to make during your turn. Also, none of the powers are completely broken without Rare Candy.

3. Agreed, although it didn't do very well at US Nats.

4. Personally I prefer playing over deckbuilding, although I like both. But to each their own.

5. Vileplume can't take advantage of it. However, I get what you're trying to say and I agree with that.

6. Imagine a T1 Zekrom going first with a Catcher in hand. Or a T2 Yanmega/Donphan. The latter two are already very popular and Zekrom is already hyped post-catcher.

7. Agreed.

Edit- Ninja'd so edited.
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I think you missed the biggest point:

I'm tired of everyone whining about the game being "luck" based and it all comes down to how well your flips are on reversals. Well, one thing is for sure: the game won't come down to reversal flips any more. But, I'm sure everyone will find something else to whine about...they always do...

At least not for another 3 seasons or so.
I'm sorry, but there is no way anyone will every convince me that Catcher (Gust of Wind Reprint) is good for the game. They have been slowly re-releasing cards that I never thought would be reprinted. DCE, Junk Arm (Item Finder), Pokemon Communication (Pokemon Trader), PlusPower, and Defender. Are there some others that were reprinted, yeah, but those caught me off guard. I was okay with most of them, however DCE, Junk Arm, and Catcher were the three that when I heard about actually wanted to see the news for myself. DCE and Junk Arm turned out to be not as bad as I thought because draw cards currently are Supporters which means you can't use Junk Arm to draw your whole deck. DCE isn't as powerful as it was back when it was first legal.

However, there is no way that you can tell me that Catcher will be the same way. I won't believe you. It's a card that truly takes skill out of the game. Any player who plays 4, and can get something up and draw them consistently is going to win. You know those players who play mainstream decks, but have bad list and go 2-4, 3-3, 1-5, 2-5, 3-4, and 4-3 constantly. Expect that they might actually WIN a few tournaments because they can draw Catcher before you can. It's a card that is way too powerful. Magic has the Power 9 that are cards that are unbelievably broken, Gust Of Wind, or Catcher as it is now called, is in the Pokemon equivalent of that, yet it is getting a reprint.

Catcher is not as bad as you make it sound.

I'm sorry, but there is no way anyone will every convince me that Catcher (Gust of Wind Reprint) is good for the game. They have been slowly re-releasing cards that I never thought would be reprinted. DCE, Junk Arm (Item Finder), Pokemon Communication (Pokemon Trader), PlusPower, and Defender. Are there some others that were reprinted, yeah, but those caught me off guard. I was okay with most of them, however DCE, Junk Arm, and Catcher were the three that when I heard about actually wanted to see the news for myself. DCE and Junk Arm turned out to be not as bad as I thought because draw cards currently are Supporters which means you can't use Junk Arm to draw your whole deck. DCE isn't as powerful as it was back when it was first legal.

However, there is no way that you can tell me that Catcher will be the same way. I won't believe you. It's a card that truly takes skill out of the game. Any player who plays 4, and can get something up and draw them consistently is going to win. You know those players who play mainstream decks, but have bad list and go 2-4, 3-3, 1-5, 2-5, 3-4, and 4-3 constantly. Expect that they might actually WIN a few tournaments because they can draw Catcher before you can. It's a card that is way too powerful. Magic has the Power 9 that are cards that are unbelievably broken, Gust Of Wind, or Catcher as it is now called, is in the Pokemon equivalent of that, yet it is getting a reprint.


I have to disagree with you. I HAVE been playtesting with Gust of Wind proxied as Pokemon Catcher and it is really just another tool to be used against Walls or against Bench-sitters with Powers/Abilities that can disrupt. I believe that Baby Pokemon will be most affected by Pokemon Catcher as they will no longer be a viable Wall and will be a sitting duck on the Bench. However, there are many Basic Pokemon with high HP and more to be released. I think that Pokemon Catcher will NOT become the Donkfest that everyone is afraid of. Players will adjust by running more Basic Pokemon with higher HP and/or Gothitelle whose Ability blocks the use of Item cards. As was said above, most of the Draw Power in the game is now Supporter-driven.

In my testing, Pokemon Catcher has been able to pick up SOME OHKOs by pulling up good type-matches for the Active Pokemon. However, this isn't always the case. Before we have a cosmic melt-down over the card, we will need to see its actual application following the release of Emerging Powers to determine its affect on the Meta.
So.. I'll be able to manipulate my opponent into NOT attacking my main attacker, right? Sweet.
During the first couple of turns it is unlikely your opponent will be able to do enough damage to get a knock out on anything.

Not only will this be incorrect at Battle Roads, after Catcher is released; it's incorrect right now. Donphan, Yanmega, Zekrom, Cincinno, Mew seeing off Jumpluff T1, and others can earn a T2 knockout with ease. Even Reshiram can do it with a good opening hand.
Four Corners redux? There's already a Three Corners deck (DYZ/Megazord/Stage1s/whateveruwant2callit). What could the forth corner be? Probably something Water or Metal to counter the new age of BBP.
The only reason Catcher is good is that it works for everyone, not only for those lucky or manipulation players who flip consistant heads on Reversal. =/

But at all, yes, it's bad for the game.

to 1) So it's good for the game if a lot more luck and topdecking on the overpowered cards is involved? I doubt.

to 2) It will make many of the current cards unplayable, and given we are in a format with only 6 (incl. Emerging Powers) sets there are very few Pokémon to choose from left.

to 3) Victini will probably not be in Emerging Powers. Teddiursa is a nice idea, but far inferior to what we had before. It can easily be knocked out by speed decks (Donphan, Zekrom), while doing nothing but locking trainer, unliked Spiritomb which also evolved Pokémon.

to 4) I absolutely don't see where this is good. Catcher makes Zekrom etc even more overpowered as they are, and playing skills should be more important than deckbuilding skills because of the high netdecking rate.

to 5) That's right, but not all decks will take equal use of it. Catcher once again pushes speed decks and nerfs setup decks. I think the format was dominated by simple and fast decks more than long enough.

to 6) Zekrom Donphan Yanmega Cinccino etc

to 7) Adapting to Catcher means more redundant plays, less room for techs, therefor a far less interesting gameplay.

Sorry, I still like Pokémon TCG, but Catcher/Reversal is one of the worst things to happen to the game. There could be some more difficult way to drag bench Pokémon active (like Torterra Lv.X which was viable but balanced). There also could be more effective bench snipers, or ability locks to stop Emboar and friends. But Catcher is far too overpowered. =(
I seems that everyone agrees that catcher will be format changing. I think that is good for the game. Hopefully that means that we will see new Pokemon,new combinations and new decks. As someone said earlier, the Babies might see the worst of it. The other casualty will be Pokemon Reversal. Aren't these exactly the cards that the flip haters complained about?

My disappointment is having to buy Catchers while I have a couple of perfectly good Gusts of Wind sitting in my collection.
1) I agree with this but Juniper is almost the next best thing to Uxie in our format. I'm not going to say it is better or near Uxie's replay level but the most powerful draw card we have now and it does speed up games by 4 turns at least. Other decks do have one sided draw power but other decks found other ways of being fast. For the most part, we are fine on draw power. I would like a 'real' Bill reprint though.

2) Yeah some bench sitters are over powered but they are needed for the health of the game. Not every one wants to play Yanmega/Donphan or play against it. If you want Yugioh, go to Yugioh. The game has a ton of stage 2 Pokemon, really good ones that become unplayable. Two I'd like to point out are Serperior and Reuniclus and they just came out. Attaching energy every turn is annoying to deal with and I agree with that but people won't play Catcher because of things like Yanmega/Donphan or Zekrom. Everything else will be unplayable.

3) Now, Trainer lock that does not come without a chance is bad for the game. It's way too one sided. Sure it's weaker in this format but it still works. Still it's bad for the game ether which way. Vileplume has no play in a format with B/W rules.

4) I hate this too. 2 of them hit for 120 and the other hits for up to 180 in a turn. I like the fact the Legendary Pokemon are more powerful but they are still basic and need to act like it but in a catcher format, they powerful basics you don't like abuse Catcher. Just saying.

5) This info is wrong to a degree. Its true all decks can use it but the only on that will see play will be Donphan/Yanmega or Zekrom because anything else will be a high risk play. These decks are really fast and can get off 6 attacker Pokemon Catchers while the slower decks play them to stall. All I can see coming from this is Vileplume and Switch being played in heavy numbers.

6) Catcher is not bad at the beginning of the game. you get to bring up a poke they can't use. If I go first and see you have a baby active and like a tepig on the bench, I'll switch that to active and make you waste resources trying to retreat or I get a good kill next turn. I also get first legal evolution and can control the game. Remember going first in this game means you win.

7) Players will adapt to it by playing Zekrom with 4 Ruins to help the Donphan match up and Donphan and Yanmega because it's really good. There might be some other good fast decks but I can't think of any they don't need a set up. ZPS just needs a good starting hand and Donmega just needs to be set up my turn 2 which is not hard at all to do.

In a Catcher format, it favors fast decks and that does not make for a good format. At my league, everyone plays and are testing 4 Catchers and 4 Reversals in a deck. That with Junk Arm means everything not fast is unplayable. I for one will play with 4 of each because its too good not to play them. I think catcher will ruin the game.

Pokemon Catcher has a very powerful effect that does not need to be part of the game. Pokemon Reversal is just fine for the game the way it is and even when it flips heads, it can turn the game around but you also risk flipping tails as well. Let me also point we have 3 cards in the format with almost the same effect. You have no idea how much it sucks to watch the Pokemon you are trying to setup being killed off as basic Pokemon, I got 4 Pokemon get picked off in 4 turns after turn one to Donphan. Being down 4 prizes and only having up 1 setup Pokemon against 5, what can you do? The topic should be called why Catcher is bad for the game. Catcher is bad for the TCG just like Stealth Rock is bad for the video game. They put too much of a limit on the game to where a lot of stuff becomes unuseable.

I do hope I'm wrong about all of this but with 8 cards between Catcher and Reversal and super fast decks, we have another bad format.
So.. I'll be able to manipulate my opponent into NOT attacking my main attacker, right? Sweet.

ya......... and your opponent can do the same thing...........

so many people are forgetting that theyre not the only ones who can play catcher
Lol that Stage 2's can't attack this format without catcher. Magnezone, Kingdra, etc. Catcher will be bad though. Whoever goes first officially wins. They get the first prize. And they get to choose what to knock out. At least reversal could offer chances for the person going second to come back.
Th way I see it is everyone IS complaining about flips, but then this comes along and people complain about it. The way I see it is that people are complaining because taking the flips outta the game will require MORE skill...so whatever your argument is against Catcher, it is just a cloak over the real reason, you don't want REAL skill in this game(since real skill hasn't truly been in this game for the past 2 formats).
^ Catcher is not a skill based card. The game was better when it was those who played Reversal and those who did not want to risk the flip. I do want to see skill back in the game but I'm tired of auto pilot decks and catcher will bring them out.

I only complain because of Pokemon Catcher because of how bad it will be for the game. I can care less about anything else.
Catcher will also make other cards more effective.
I can imagine plenty of decks running more twins and black belts. Yeah he might have taken out something but you can search your deck for 2 cards or hit for an additional 40 on your turn. Catcher will be annoying but there will be ways to get around it.