Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

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  1. D

    Expert Belt = really bad?

    this will never ever happen in any game between two remotely competetive players. no one is stupid enough to belt a gyrados that doesnt need the extra damage.
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    Pooka's 2009 Nationals Report

    nice job in our round 8 game pooka Probably the only game the deck has ever lost with a 2 prize lead. I didnt think it was possible. You deserved it.
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    Can Gengar be stopped?

    Can only be stopped by shifty/dugtrio
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    R's SD

    now why didnt i think of this first
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    the tier thread

    Kingdra has absolutly no chance against mother gengar if they dont get the t1 or t2 donk agianst the single basic
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    gengar vrs kingdra matchup

    best strategy is to scoop
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    dialga G vs. gengar strategy

    yes this is why gengar is bad and diagla is bdif i have been swayed by your arguements sir
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    How Good Will Dialga G be at NATS and Why?

    I said a good diagla G. none of those have a chance against one.
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    dialga G vs. gengar strategy

    Why bother when you can just do poltergeist think about it two for up to like 210 i dont see a downside
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    Can Gengar be stopped?

    I guess they must have been
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    Can Gengar be stopped?

    gengar cant beat good players or decks
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    Flygon! What beats it?

    NOthing. flygon is the best
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    How Good Will Dialga G be at NATS and Why?

    Nothing can beat a good diagla g.
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    dialga G vs. gengar strategy

    Of course gengar doesnt have room for houndoom g
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    dialga G vs. gengar strategy

    Gengar is bad and has no answer for deafen lock
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    What deck are YOU running at Regionals?

    Amu and diagla/palkia are legit
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    2009-4-12 Palkia G PL 12/127

    10/10 because it levels up into the best card in the format
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    Why have you given up on Amphytric? It will be great for Reginals.

    because diagla/palkia is so good that playing a direct counter still wont get you much better than a 50/50...and you lose to everything else
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    The Deck Tiers For Regionals

    stop giving away our tech